10 Mar 2024

Have you ever felt separated from the whole wide world? From everything? Let me show you.

At this very moment, you are not feeling anything. You neither feel the air nor its moisture, the earth feels like nothing, the sky is transparent and without colours, hunger has no sting anymore. Time stopped but in the real sense, that heartless machine keeps going whether or not you tag along.

Wait, wait. Hunger will have a sting oh. Okay, let’s continue.

All these are in the background.
Now on the stage, in the seen world; you are stuck, not between the devil and the deep blue sea but between everything that exists. Different decisions that do not yield the same outcome nor do they yield different outcomes; the future is not defined but you must make a choice that will definitely define your tomorrow. Responsibilities attacking from everywhere – left, right, center and from unknown directions; responsibilities whose accountability is not negotiable.

Who do you answer to? Who are those you answer to?
Oh! They exist. But is everyone not about his own and to his own? Those that appear or claim to care do not know the depth of the matter. Those that get to hear about it always appear to spend any available resources or solutions on their very closely-related own. And mortal sons are supposed to believe every cock and bull stories that ring off the public address system.

But as you are about to pull the trigger on the gun of choices; remember your past and future. Anything you say or do in the present can be used for or against you in the court of time. Anyhow it appears to be, remember the limited resources that you possess, they cannot go round for every appearance that requires your benefit of a doubt. It may be better for you to do what you know and fail than for you to do what you do not know and fail. Neither is guaranteed and therein lies the frustration that sprung forth this content through the pen of your beloved Sadiq Yusuf.

But there is a consolation. When you reach the point of self-assessment, you should be comfortable knowing that you really tried and gave it your best. Herein lies the comfort that prevails in the face of victory or defeat.

For the better best, Sadiq Yusuf.

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