Mechanics of Discipline

23 Jul 2023

Mechanics of Discipline

Today I have the time that I so wanted to have, I can study, take projects off paper, it's not easy to have discipline but it's necessary, but how I started to say in the previous post, without a mechanic that we can apply in another area. I don't want you to think that I want to be robotic and dull, but between us why not be a little, the idea here is to make the discipline simpler, I don't say easy but simple, in programming we learn that we must divide a large or complex problem into small parts, thus dealing with the smaller ones and then putting them together.

How to Develop the Mechanics of Discipline

The first step is to analyze with your own metrics and weights, what is most important to you, I won't say that you should study in the morning and work in the afternoon because I don't know what you most want or need.

I'll cite my example, I need money going into the cashier, even if a small volume still needs to be in the positive, so I prefer to solve it early, it's waking up to have my coffee and already going to solve it as priority, in the afternoon I leave it to study there and focus on studies, what's left to do later I'II solve it tomorrow, the night is kind of a mix because that's when I test learning and executing something different.

If we analyze it well, there are 3 types of investments that I make every day, the short-term one in the morning, the medium-term one in the afternoon, and long-term one at night, it may seem strange to talk about investment, but maybe this will help you decide the weight of each thing in your life.

How to Make the Mechanics
of Discipline Work

Again I will quote my previous post, because a good practice is to keep your cell phone far away, I know we use it for almost everything, but in the beginning when you are developing your discipline it is necessary, at most if you are going to have it close by, leave it with the screen facing down. A trip that I have already validated is to use a watch, to have a better control of the time used, if it's a smart watch, I recommend leaving only the notifications that you will need on it.

Keeping track of time is crucial, we have 24 hours a day, and even putting on the weight that is up to you, I always put an average of 8 hours to sleep, then I go slicing the parts of the day, again each weight is up to you, you are the one who knows what you most want or need, but I recommend that you set the time for each activity, set alarms on the clock, defining what will start from there, and obey your own schedule.

Result of Discipline Mechanics

At the beginning it will not be easy to maintain discipline, as a few weeks or months pass, you will see that not wasting time looking at a new status or a new story saves you hours, and those hours were used on you, it seems small in the day, but after a while it will seem like a lot.

And then I tell you, congratulations, you invested in yourself, little by little as we bought our cryptocurrencies, and it yielded compound interest in addition to appreciation.
If this helped you get a better idea of how to create discipline, leave it below in the comments, I'll be happy to read it.

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