Maintaining Momentum: Addressing the Impact of Bulb's Tradeability Suspension on Member Motivation.

3 Sept 2024

Maintaining Momentum: Addressing the Impact of Bulb's Tradeability Suspension on Member Motivation and Engagement


 This article aims to explore the effects of the recent suspension of Bulb's tradeability on Jupiter, focusing on its impact on member motivation and engagement. The insights shared here are my personal reflections and a humble contribution to the ongoing dialogue within the Bulb team and community. By examining the challenges posed by this unexpected change, I hope to spark discussions on how to sustain active participation and keep the community thriving, even during periods of uncertainty.

In the ever-evolving world of Web3 platforms, the need for continuous engagement and promotion cannot be overstated. For a platform like Bulb, which thrives on active participation and community-driven growth, keeping members motivated and engaged is crucial.

However, recent developments have raised concerns among the community, particularly the fact that Bulb has not been tradeable on Jupiter for about a week. This change has led to a sense of frustration and uncertainty among members, many of whom rely on consistent challenges and opportunities to earn rewards as a source of motivation.

To address this problem, it is vital for the Bulb team to respond proactively. One effective approach could be to replace the currently unfeasible "Trade to Earn" challenge with a more viable alternative. For instance, the team could introduce a challenge that encourages members to post five articles on Threads, promoting the platform's new feature. Such a challenge would not only drive engagement with Threads but also keep the community active and involved in the platform’s ongoing evolution.

The idea of a dynamic challenge system, where tasks change monthly and come with high multiplier values, is another promising solution. Imagine the excitement and anticipation among members as they eagerly await the reveal of the new task for the month. This approach would not only keep the platform fresh and engaging but also foster a sense of competition and achievement among members. By rotating challenges and offering diverse opportunities to earn rewards, Bulb could maintain a high level of participation and prevent members from feeling bored or neglected.

It is important to recognize that the Bulb team has made commendable efforts to listen to the community’s feedback and implement changes accordingly. Over time, we have noticed significant improvements and updates, which have enhanced the user experience on the platform. However, as with anything involving a passionate community, members are like Oliver Twist—they always want more.

Image from with Mike Zenker.

The key is to strike a balance between meeting current demands and introducing new, exciting features that keep everyone engaged.

One of the most eagerly anticipated developments is the ongoing build of the Bulb app, which promises to revolutionize the way members interact with the platform. The introduction of an integrated wallet and the ability to access Bulb with just one click will provide a seamless Web3 experience that feels as intuitive and user-friendly as Web2. This all-in-one app will eliminate the need to go through a browser to access Bulb, making it easier than ever for members to stay connected and engaged with the platform. I, for one, cannot wait for this next step in Bulb's evolution.

In conclusion, the Bulb team deserves immense credit for their dedication to improving the platform and responding to community feedback. However, it is essential to continue this proactive approach to ensure that members remain motivated and involved. By introducing dynamic challenges, replacing unfeasible tasks, and continuing to innovate, Bulb can sustain its momentum and grow even stronger. Kudos to the Bulb team for their hard work and commitment to making Bulb a platform that truly stands out in the Web3 space. We look forward to seeing what the future holds, and we are excited to be part of this journey.

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