Days the sun shines

15 Jun 2023

O God's gift! O ideal day:
Wherein no man shall labor, but to amuse himself; wherein it suffices for me, not to do, but to be!

I experience the electrifying rush and the touch of life through every fiber of my brain, every nerve, and every vein. It nearly feels too much.

The wind in the trees can be heard.
I observe the downward-bent branches acting like the keys of some enormous instrument as the stars play symphonies.

And it unfolds over me.
the breathtaking skyscape,
Where the sun sails like a golden galleon through a sapphire sea,

The Islands of the Blessed, whose steep sierra far uplifts Its rugged summits white with drifts, are toward that cloud-land in the west.

Breeze, winds! They fill every area with their scent.
The cherry blossom snowflakes!
Breeze, winds! and stoop under my grasp
The peach's flaming flowers!

Love and Life, oh! O joyful horde of thoughts, whose sole language is song!
O human heart! Can't you be as blithe a
nd free as the air?

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