Plants that say stop to aging!

3 Feb 2024

Many plants assist us in combating various diseases or protecting us from them. Our ancestors recognized and utilized the value of these plants. However, advancements in modern medicine overshadowed their significance, causing many to be partially set aside. Now, ongoing research is gradually restoring the deserved value to these health resources.
While some of these plants can be consumed in their natural form, such as vegetables, fruits, or dried, others are available as dietary supplements in the form of pills or syrups. The variability in factors like the type of soil they grow in, temperature, season, their mature states when harvested, drying processes, and the duration of storage makes their effects highly variable.
Herbal substances can also be harmful. It is essential to use them under the guidance of your doctor because if a substance is beneficial to the body, it can also have harmful effects. Being labeled as "herbal" does not guarantee safety. Sometimes, their effects can interact unexpectedly with the effects of other medications or supplements taken.
There are numerous medicinal plants that aid in slowing down the aging process, with at least 2500 known varieties. I will occasionally share information about these beneficial companions. Some examples of plants with antioxidant properties include:

  1. Ginkgo Biloba: Ginkgo Biloba is a unique tree with no close relatives or counterparts. Scientific research suggests the benefits of ginkgo extract in Alzheimer's disease, memory enhancement, prevention of dizziness, and improvement of mental concentration. It also increases blood flow to the limbs, hands, feet, and brain, enhancing brain function capacity. It is recommended for those in constant attention-demanding or high-stress activities to improve focus, energy, and performance. It serves as a natural solution for stress-related forgetfulness, enhancing concentration, memory, and providing an energy boost. It improves circulation in general, but especially the blood flow to the brain, ensuring sufficient oxygen, crucial because brain cells are highly sensitive to low oxygen levels and easily perish.

  1. Grape Seed: Grape seed is a powerful antioxidant and free radical cleanser. Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules that can attack and damage normal cells, leading to destruction or mutation. Grape seed is one of the most potent natural antioxidants discovered. Antioxidants are effective tools in preventing the formation of diseases, maintaining hormonal balance, and delaying the aging process. Grape seed also strengthens connective tissue, making the skin tighter and more elastic. It is useful in treating age spots and has a positive effect on blood vessels, reducing wrinkles by expanding blood vessels and relaxing muscles. Grape seed also contributes to heart and vascular health by lowering bad cholesterol (LDL).
  2. Black Grape Skin: Resveratrol, abundantly found in black grape skin, is also present in various plants and fruits, including red wine. Resveratrol, produced by black grapes to protect themselves, exhibits a protective effect in humans. The molecule has demonstrated preventive effects against diseases such as cancer, distinguishing between normal and cancerous cells. Resveratrol found in black grapes also regulates the 'Sirt-1' gene responsible for weight control, protecting the heart and reducing cholesterol. Its potent antioxidant function makes it a crucial protector of cells, as confirmed by research from universities such as Harvard.

  1. Garlic: Garlic, known for years and increasingly appreciated, has cholesterol and triglyceride-lowering effects. Additionally, it has a blood pressure-lowering effect and helps neutralize harmful substances in the body. It is a vital natural weapon against cardiovascular (heart and vascular system) diseases."

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