How do you know you are stressed?

10 Sept 2022

Stress is the body's natural reaction to change. It could be physical, emotional, or mental in nature. Stress is a part of everyday life, whether it's meeting an upcoming deadline or planning a birthday party.
However, everyone reacts differently to stress. Stress may be obvious to some, but others may not notice it until it becomes severe. Here are a few signs to know when you are stressed:

Your sleep patterns are off
Most of us have had a sleepless night and woke up tired and groggy. When someone is stressed, their mind becomes overwhelmed, affecting their ability to fall and stay asleep. If you’re feeling tired all the time and barely have any energy to get through the day, you may be stressed.

You feel sick often
The effectiveness of your immune system is determined by the level of stress your body is under. When your body is constantly stressed, your immune system becomes vulnerable and your body's ability to fight infections and viruses decreases.

You feel anxious
When you've been under a lot of stress for a long time, it's natural to feel overwhelmed. You may have too many responsibilities and feel unable to complete them all. This can make you feel irritable.
It's normal to feel anxious when preparing for an interview or going on a first date; however, if you're feeling anxious all the time, it could mean you're overstressed.

To be continued...

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