My Last Visit To Heaven

13 May 2024

I closed my eyes, and ascended high
To the realm of heaven, where love does lie
A place of wonder, a place of grace
Where every heart finds solace, and a warm embrace

The gates of pearl, shone bright and wide
As I entered heaven, with a heart full of pride
The streets of gold, sparkled like the sun
As I walked with angels, beneath the heavens won

The choir of saints, sang sweet and clear
As I joined the chorus, without a fear
Their voices lifted, to the heavens above
In perfect harmony, a labor of love

The throne of God, shone bright and bold
As I approached the Father, with a heart of gold
He smiled and welcomed, with a loving gaze
And I felt at home, in the heavenly ways

The rivers of life, flowed crystal clear
As I drank from the waters, without a fear
The trees of life, bore fruit so sweet
As I tasted the goodness, of the heavenly treat

The creatures of heaven, roamed free and wide
As I watched in wonder, with a heart full of pride
The lions and lambs, lay down side by side
In perfect harmony, a heavenly pride

The heavenly host, gathered 'round
As I shared my story, without a sound
They listened with love, and a gentle grace
And I felt at peace, in the heavenly place

The love of heaven, shone bright and true
As I basked in the warmth, of the heavenly crew
A love so pure, so strong and free
A love that filled my heart, and set me free

The joy of heaven, rang out so clear
As I laughed and rejoiced, without a fear
A joy so contagious, so pure and bright
A joy that filled my heart, and lit up the night

The peace of heaven, descended like a dove
As I felt the calm, of the heavenly love
A peace so deep, so wide and long
A peace that filled my heart, and kept me strong

The heavenlies, gathered 'round
As I prepared to leave, the heavenly ground
They bid me farewell, with a loving gaze
And I knew I'd return, to the heavenly ways

I opened my eyes, and descended low
From the realm of heaven, to the world below
A world of wonder, a world of strife
But I knew I'd carry, the heavenly life

The memory of heaven, stayed with me
As I walked on earth, wild and free
A memory so sweet, so pure and bright
A memory that guided, through the dark of night

The love of heaven, stayed with me
As I loved on earth, with a heart full of glee
A love so pure, so strong and free
A love that filled my heart, and set me free

The joy of heaven, stayed with me
As I laughed and rejoiced, wild and carefree
A joy so contagious, so pure and bright
A joy that filled my heart, and lit up the night

The peace of heaven, stayed with me
As I walked on earth, with a heart full of glee
A peace so deep, so wide and long
A peace that filled my heart, and kept me strong

The heavenlies, stayed with me
As I walked on earth, wild and free
A heavenly host, that guided me along
A heavenly host, that sang a heavenly song

I'll return to heaven, when my journey's done
To the realm of heaven, where love has won
A place of wonder, a place of grace
Where every heart finds solace, and a warm embrace

The gates of pearl, will shine bright and wide
As I enter heaven, with a heart full of pride
The streets of gold, will sparkle like the sun
As I walk with angels, beneath the heavens won

The choir of saints, will sing sweet and clear
As I join the chorus, without a fear
Their voices lifted, to the heavens above
In perfect harmony, a labor of love

The throne of God, will shine bright and bold
As I approach the Father, with a heart of gold
He'll smile and welcome, with a loving gaze
And I'll feel at home, in the heavenly ways

The rivers of life, will flow crystal clear
As I drink from the waters, without a fear
The trees of life, will bear fruit so sweet
As I taste the goodness, of the heavenly treat

The creatures of heaven, will roam free and wide
As I watch in wonder, with a heart full of pride
The lions and lambs, will lay down side by side
In perfect harmony, a heavenly pride

The heavenly host, will gather 'round
As I share my story, without a sound

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