BNB Chain Partners with Web3 Industry Leaders to Accelerate Artificial Intelligence and Web3 Develop

30 Jan 2024

BNB Chain, the community-run blockchain ecosystem that includes the world's largest smart contract blockchain, has announced a 2024 hackathon to accelerate the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other exciting fields. Other notes in Web3. The 'Building Smart and Fully On-Chain Applications' hackathon not only encourages the next wave of AI innovation but also features additional categories that follow emerging trends and has impressive participation from developers. Industry-leading funding such as Polyhedra Network, Dora Factory, DEGO Finance, TUSD (TrueUSD) and THENA.

It is predicted that 2024 will be a year of strong development for Web3 in many industries. In addition to AI applications attracting $25 billion in investment capital in 2023, predictions show a staggering growth rate from $922 million in 2022 to $7.1 billion in 2032 for the gaming industry. driven by interactive artificial intelligence-based games. DappRadar data also shows significant growth in Web3 gaming with approximately 1 million unique cryptocurrency wallets (UAWs) participating in games over the past few months.
In addition to these growing trends, DePin and DeSci have been highlighted as ‘innovations to watch in 2024‘. The development of DeSoc is also one of the top points of concern. With that goal in mind, the BNB Chain 2024 hackathon has been set up to give developers in the following categories the opportunity to leave their mark:
Category AI
Infrastructure Category
Game Category
DePIN Category
Category DeSoc
DeSci Category
In addition to the 2024 categories, additional challenges from hackathon partners will be available in Q1 to provide greater scope for creativity and innovation.
During the first quarter of the 2024 hackathon, participants will have access to a pool of up to 60,000 USD. Winners will be awarded a comprehensive startup package worth $300,000 — $50,000 each — including credits from AWS, Google Cloud, and other key development tools. Additional rewards will be available from the sponsor category, where participants can look to increase their funding with an additional bonus funding of up to 115,000 USD.
Winners will also receive support from BNB Chain for approximately one month after the event with a professional technical support team. Besides, they will have the opportunity to interview directly with MVB. To thank and recognize developers contributing to the BNB Chain ecosystem, a reward of 10,000 USD will be distributed to all qualified applications. The application can be found in the BNB Chain blog.
Registration is open from January 18 to February 1, 2024 and workshops will take place on February 18, 19, 22, 24, 29, 31 and February 1, 2024.
The application period will take place from February 8 to February 22, 2024. The winner will be announced on March 1, 2024.
Developers can register to participate in the BNB Chain hackathon here.
Introducing the BNB Chain
BNB Chain is a community-driven blockchain ecosystem that seeks to remove barriers to Web3 adoption. Powered by BNB, they include the world's largest L1 blockchain, the EVM-compatible BNB Smart Chain, and promote a multi-chain ecosystem with BNB Greenfield and opBNB. Offering ultra-low gas fees and superior TPS, the BNB Chain ecosystem hosts thousands of dApps across DeFi, metaverse, gaming, SocialFi, NFTs, and infrastructure, each adding value to its ecosystem. they.
BNB Chain promotes strong Web3 innovation with BNB Chain Building Support Program. The event includes the MVB accelerator program, conducted in partnership with Binance Labs and CMC Labs.

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