My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Out Of Body Experiences happened in the Bible & Dead Sea Scrolls
Last week we found that the CIA confirmed that there is another world out there.
The one you can travel through when you have an OBE, an out-of-body experience.
I explained, how & why and I did not have sufficient time to tell you that Jesus already told us about this world.This means that the CIA was really late to the party as always.
In The Beginning
If you did not have the chance last week you might wanna start at the beginning:
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The CIA & The Bible agree on One Thing "We Can Go Mental"
If Not Let's Get Cracking!
What Does God Say About Going Mental?
Before we look at the text in the good book, I am going out on a limb and saying they will probably accuse the spirits of wanting to possess humans. This is a fair point, to be honest, but it´s also very human. Many humans will do everything to possess other humans.
Like spirits humans are also often jealous of what we do not have.
Now, many of us are not aware of the realm but if I meet a weak spirit entity. And it opens up all its mental doorways so I can possess it and travel through its realm unrecognizable....
I would do it....if I wasn´t such a good guy of course.
So yes if you are curious be aware that your human body is a prized possession for those who have none and can therefore not enjoy earthly pleasures like Absolute Vodka (btw this session is not sponsored even though it might have product placement).
Back to the Bible and when it all started.
The Garden
Well, I think the serpent might have told Eve that eating overripe fruit will send you tripping and give you the Gods Eye View:But remember what I told in:
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Secret Book of John (The Apostle) Part 2 (The Apple)
That the snake was not Satan but Savior and that it was written in the Gospel Of Thomas John I meant to say John these guys all look alike after being dead for 2000 years. Well, their dust does, not their unique energy duhhh.
Not Just John
It was not just John who said so.
There are many Gnostic Texts depicting the serpent as a liberator who provides knowledge to humanity, helping to free them from the ignorance imposed by a false creator deity, sometimes identified with the Old Testament God.If you want to open that can of worms, and go down that rabbit hole please read "The Secret Doctrine" by Helena Blavatsky.
For now, I am only interested in the fact that the snake pointed out some fruits, and possibly mushrooms, and truffles, which will help us see the bigger picture as the Absolute can be labeled.
Now of course there is more;
Isaiah 8:19 (Old Testament) addresses the practice of consulting spirits and seeking guidance from mediums.
"When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?" (Isaiah 8:19, NIV)
This verse advises against seeking guidance from mediums and spiritists who claim to communicate with the dead.
It´s followed by a verse that encourages people to seek guidance from God.
"Consult God's instruction and the testimony of warning. If anyone does not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn." (Isaiah 8:20, NIV)
But it does not say anything anywhere about God not wanting you to leave your body in order to seek guidance from God.
The only thing it tells me is to not seek advice from those who will use you for their own benefit, humans and spirits alike. Because both will tell you false prophecies if it benefits them, instead you should undertake the journey yourself, and see the light of dawn for yourself.
On a side note, the CIA put in a disclaimer saying that going mental as I like to call it did not do any harm to any belief system on this rock floating through space.
At least not the ones they are aware of should have been added to ensure a fully woke disclaimer, but hey those were different pre-woke times.
In The Beginning
I ask you, Dear Reader: How does in the beginning there was nothing sound now?
Because in the beginning there was only the word, the one and only, the absolute.
And when the word evolved as we read is the case with energy in the spirit realm.
At a certain point, there was light and the word became flesh, the creation of earth, or physical beings if you want to be inclusive to the broader audience outside of this world
This sounds like me on mushrooms seeing a glimpse of the bigger picture, hence I might not be far off saying that the one who originally wrote this had to translate what he saw after eating forbidden fruit.
He explains it as humans being a reflection of the omnipotent, the absolute (the word became flesh).
Every physical being has seen, and been part of the absolute, the truth, the graceful constant (We have seen his glory).
But our human mind tends to forget that at birth and it was the savior that taught Eve about the apple that came to remind us. He told many of his disciples that:
Earth is nothing more than a physical dimension.It is just one of the representations, one of the portals for unique energies to go through.
These portals are not created, they have no beginning nor an end.
They are infinite and like energy, they evolve.
He explained that we are all part of a neverending, constantly changing, constant which you can call Vodka, The Absolute, God, Heaven, Eternity.
Which I agree is hard to grasp even if you understand it or even when you have traveled there.
But it´s not new, like I wrote before many Gnostic texts describe the soul's journey through different realms, often encountering various beings and gaining spiritual insights.
Just remember My Darling Mary
The Gospel of Mary
Mary Magdalene describes her vision and ascent to higher planes of existence. She recounts how her soul travels beyond the material world and receives divine knowledge. This experience is depicted as an OBE, where Mary's consciousness transcends her physical form. The Savior taught her these very special lessons as she was the one nearest to him.More about Mary in:
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Hail Mary The Harlot
The First Apocalypse of James
In this text, Jesus the Savior teaches James about the soul's ascent and all the trials it must face after death.
James is instructed on how to pass through various realms and avoid the traps set by archons. The detailed description of the soul's journey and the encounters with spiritual beings resemble the experiences reported in OBEs.
The what?
The Archons, you never met them, did you?
The Hypostasis of the Archons (The Reality of the Rulers)
This text describes the ascent of the soul and the overcoming of the material and demonic archons (rulers) these material and physical traps that are needed to overcome. I touched on those in the Mary post but they are spelled out in this article:
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "Let´sTalk About Sin Baby"
Now if anyone would ask me, I would say that the Archons are often used to explain things that people do not want to attribute to GOD, Often, but not always. Been there, seen them, and asked The White Bro´s for protection.
And if you think I am just cherry-picking, you are right but with so much low-hanging fruit it´s made way too easy.
These gnostic texts that I consider less polluted than the current bible refer frequently to the soul's journey through different planes of existence, implying a form of OBE as the soul leaves the physical body and ascends to higher spiritual realms.
This is exactly what the CIA confirms, that the real mentioned in many texts that are 2000 years old truly exists.
Bikini Bottom Line
In my humble opinion, we are saying the same.
But as so often we look at it from a different perspective and different upbringings.
On top of that, it´s a scary thought.People don´t want to leave their comfortable zone and think about the fact that there is a realm they can not explain and it´s not proven that their idea of GOD is the omnipotent power in that realm.
But even Darling Mary says you need to go through those realms to come closer to divinity, whatever that means.
These realms beyond are so complex if your mind is not laser-focused that humans have a hard time explaining it to their own brains, let alone that they can explain it to others.
Not being able to understand can drive people mental, and so they prefer to simplify the story to their brain by picturing the Absolute as an old guy with a beard being the center of everything, rather than a neverending realm of endless dimensions, and possibilities.
Filled with loving and terrifying entities, all with their own agenda.Because as it is in Heaven so it will be on Earth (Well Almost).
Just One More Thing
After all these mind-altering, eye-opening, hallucinatory, psychedelic, and staggering insights it´s finally time for some Vodka because use your time in the flesh wisely as they do not serve alcohol or chocolate in that other realm.
Thank Godness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!
Previous Sunday School Sessions
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Ladies of Revelation
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Bad Boys from Revelations
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - He That Goes By Many Names
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - A Book That Was Left Out Of The Bible
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Secret Book of John (The Apostle)
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Secret Book of John (The Apostle) Part 2 (The Apple)
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Funny Looking Angels
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Thomas Told US Not To Look But To See
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Hail Mary The Harlot
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "Let´sTalk About Sin Baby"
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "Know Thy Enemy (What´s The Satanic Bible Really About)"
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "The 20 Commandments from the Satanic Bible"
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The CIA & The Bible agree on One Thing "We Can Go Mental"
All Images By MyI and AI
Disclaimer One: The texts I use for these sessions are real, although like many scholars my ignorance and arrogance might cause me to misinterpret things, or explain things from my limited perspective. I therefore appreciate all critical feedback.
Disclaimer Two: I think everyone has a right to believe, and a right to disagree. I try to take a light philosophical approach and add some humor. If you're offended please check yourself, because being offended by something written by a simpleton as WhyWhy is a signal that you might have bigger issues.