Splinterlands | Training Mode | Get To Know How To Battle In Splinterlands

10 Feb 2025

Splinterlands | Training

When I started playing Splinterlands in 2020, it was a straight jump into the pits and learning as you went. Back then, there were also non-ranked battles that we could use for practice, but I did not know about them. Long story short, I learned to play the hard way. It was still fun, though.

Fast forward to 2024-25, Splinterlands has revamped the site, taking care of both the veterans and newbies. Talking about the newbies, there is a whole training tab from where players can learn to fight and strategize without any impact on their ranking.

So, why don’t we dive into the training options available for players and see how it works? Cool, let’s do it. But before that, shall we spend a minute getting to know Splinterlands? After all, that’s where you will find all these fun battles, abilities, rules, and monsters.

What Game is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is a digital card game that allows you to collect, trade, battle, rent, and even earn from the cards. ***The game gives Play to Earn a whole different meaning.*** By now, you would know that the governance token (SPS) airdrop made millionaires out of the early adopters. It still keeps giving and remains a fun and engaging game.

To give you an idea of how lucky you can get in Splinterlands, read my story of getting cards worth $500 from buying only a few packs worth $20.

Got Cards Worth $500 from $20 Packs

And this is just a tiny number. I have witnessed people getting uber-expensive cards in their pack and selling them for as high as $6500. In fact, there is a whole Splinterlands marketplace on the Hive blockchain and now on Wax too. And now the sales of the Rebellion packs, the newest of the lot, have also started.

Any reason not to try it out? To join, scroll down quickly. 😊

Training | A Non-Threatening Way Of Learning

Although when we say training, we think of newbies, it is not just limited to newbies. Even old-timers and regular players can try out the training modules to figure out their strategies in their league. Not only that, players rising in rank can try out their skills battling in higher leagues to get a sense of what to expect.

Cards, levels, strategies, and many other things can be honed in the training mode. The best part is that what happens in the training module stays in the training module - there is no impact on the rank or standing of the players. As such, it forms the most non-threatening way of learning the game.

Let’s dive into the training mode to learn more. For those who don’t have the patience, scroll down for a YouTube video showing how to try out the training mode.

Good luck!

Navigating to the Training Tab

On the game screen, you will notice the β€œTraining” tab on the right-hand side top corner of the screen.

Click on that.

Selecting the Gameplay under Training

Once you click on the Training tab, you will have the following screen pop up.

Each of the sub-tabs on the screen can be selected as you want based on the level you want to play and the cards you have.


Players can select between Easy, Medium, and Hard.

**Allowed Cards:**

Players can select between All Cards, Modern (recommended), Ghost Cards, and Ghost Modern.

**Summoner Level Caps:**

This tab allows players to choose the maximum cap for summoners. Please note - this decides the level of monsters under each summoner. The levels are Novice, Adept, Intermediate, Advanced and Expert.

Once you select the level of the summoner, it will display the level of cards in each of the types – common, rare, epic, and legendary.

**Let’s Do One Selection**

Here, I have selected an Easy level, Modern Card, and Adept Summoner level. Notice that the card levels are stated below once you select the summoner cap. In this case, commons of level 3, rare and epic of level 2, and legendary of level 1 would be allowed in battle.

Now, let’s get into battle.

Getting into Battle Training

Once the game levels have been selected, click on β€œSend.”

On clicking β€œSend,” here’s the battle I got. We start with the rules.

It was a 57-mana battle with only four cards allowed. I had the choice of Water, Earth, and Life Splinter.

The Battle

Once we select the cards based on the rules, we get into battle.

Here is my team selection and the opponent and my team. **Note** The team selection is shown in the video below. Have a look over there.

Now, we are ready for battle. The opponent’s team is at the top of the screen, while mine is at the bottom. The opponent has selected Water Splinter, while I have gone with Earth Splinter.

Once I click on battle, we get into the war zone. After four rounds, my team seems to have the upper hand. I may be winning.

After eight rounds, I did have the win.

The best part is that neither the opponent nor I will have an impact on our rank or levels because of this battle in training mode.

That’s How the Training Mode Works | It’s Easy

Now that you have seen how the training mode works, you will be confident to use it. It is quite easy and very useful to hone your skills. Try out as many battles as possible before you enter the actual arena. You won’t regret it.

In case you want to see the video of what I explained, take a look below in the YouTube link. Have fun! 😊


Want to Join Splinterlands?

You can click below and follow the link. All the best!


YouTube Link Explaining the Training Mode

**Note:** There is no voice-over.

Here it is:

**Image Courtesy:** Splinterlands Resources

Some Useful Sites to Give You More

Some of the good crypto-writing-earning sites:
Publish0x: Earn ETH || Bulbapp: Earn Bulb


Some crypto-faucets and jewelry earners:
Horizen: Earn ZEN || Mene: Earn $5 on signup || Earn Litecoin || Earn Bitcoin || Pi Network: Mine Pi on Mobile


Few Gaming-cum-earning sites
Splinterlands || NFTPanda


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