Does Product Influencing Still Work? Particularly, Are Women Influencing or they are the Product.

13 Jul 2024

Does Product Influencing Still Work? Particularly, Are Women Influencing the Product or Are They the Product Themselves?


In the dynamic world of digital marketing, the role of influencers continues to be a hot topic. As we delve into 2024, it's essential to explore not only the efficacy of product influencing but also the nuanced and often controversial role that gender plays in this landscape. Particularly, we must ask: are women influencing the product, or are they being positioned as the product themselves?

The Power of Product Influencing

Product influencing has become a fundamental strategy for brands looking to connect with consumers on a more personal level. The industry is booming, with the global influencer marketing market projected to reach $22.3 billion in 2024 [[❞]]( This growth is fueled by the high return on investment (ROI) that influencer marketing offers. On average, brands earn $5.20 for every dollar spent, highlighting the cost-effectiveness and impact of this approach [[❞]]( [[❞]](

Women as Influencers: Driving Engagement and Sales

Women play a pivotal role in the influencer marketing ecosystem. They dominate platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, driving high engagement rates and influencing purchasing decisions. Research indicates that 70% of viewers have made a purchase after seeing a product recommended by an influencer on YouTube, a platform where many top influencers are women [[❞]](

Moreover, women influencers tend to foster strong community ties, creating content that resonates deeply with their followers. This trust translates into action, with 61% of shoppers trusting influencer recommendations as much as those from friends and family [[❞]]( Women influencers excel in niches like beauty, fashion, wellness, and lifestyle, where personal experience and relatability are crucial.

The Dual Role: Influencers or the Product?

While women are undoubtedly powerful influencers, there's a critical debate about whether they are influencing products or being positioned as the products themselves. This distinction is crucial in understanding the dynamics of gender in influencer marketing.

Influencers of the Product

Women influencers often shape consumer behavior by providing authentic reviews, tutorials, and personal stories. Their influence is based on their ability to connect with audiences and offer genuine endorsements. Brands collaborate with these influencers to leverage their credibility and reach. For instance, beauty brands partner with female influencers to showcase new products, relying on their authority and expertise in the field [[❞]](

Women as the Product

However, the portrayal of women in influencer marketing can sometimes blur the lines between influencing a product and being the product. This occurs when the focus shifts from the product itself to the influencer's appearance, lifestyle, and personal brand. In such cases, the influencer's image becomes a commodity, potentially overshadowing the product they are supposed to promote.

This phenomenon raises concerns about the objectification and commodification of women in marketing. When brands prioritize an influencer's physical appearance or lifestyle over the quality and features of the product, it perpetuates the notion that women themselves are the product being sold. This can be problematic, reinforcing harmful stereotypes and detracting from the authenticity that makes influencer marketing effective.

Navigating the Gender Dynamics

Brands and influencers must navigate these gender dynamics carefully to ensure ethical and effective marketing practices. Transparency and authenticity are key. Influencers should prioritize honest reviews and maintain their integrity, even when partnering with brands. Likewise, brands should respect influencers as individuals and collaborators, not merely as tools for advertising.

Moreover, there is a growing call for diverse and inclusive representation in influencer marketing. Brands are beginning to recognize the importance of featuring influencers from various backgrounds, body types, and identities. This shift not only promotes social responsibility but also broadens the appeal and relatability of marketing campaigns.

The Future of Influencer Marketing

Looking ahead, the future of influencer marketing lies in striking a balance between leveraging the power of influencers and maintaining ethical standards. As technology evolves, new opportunities will emerge for more immersive and interactive influencer campaigns. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) offer exciting possibilities for creating engaging content that transcends traditional marketing boundaries [[❞]]( [[❞]](

Furthermore, the integration of e-commerce features within social media platforms will continue to drive growth. Instagram and TikTok have already enhanced their shopping capabilities, allowing users to purchase products directly through the platforms. This seamless shopping experience will likely become a standard feature in influencer marketing strategies [[❞]]( [[❞]](


In conclusion, product influencing remains a powerful tool in the marketing arsenal. However, the role of women in this landscape is complex and multifaceted. While women continue to be effective influencers, there is a critical need to ensure they are not reduced to mere products. By fostering transparency, authenticity, and inclusivity, brands and influencers can navigate these dynamics and harness the full potential of influencer marketing.


1. Influencer Marketing Hub. (2024). [Influencer Marketing Statistics](

2. Dash. (2024). [Influencer marketing statistics to know in 2024](

3. HubSpot. (2024). [What Will Influencer Marketing Look Like in 2024?](

4. WPBeginner. (2024). [60+ Influencer Marketing Statistics You Should Know](

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