The invitation (part 1)

7 Nov 2022

My lack of interest in your profession.
What do you long for, and do you dare to dream that your heart's desire will be satisfied?

I'm not very interested in your age.
I'm curious to know if you're willing to take a chance on seeming foolish for someone you love, your dream, or the thrill of living.

What planets are squaring your moon doesn't matter to me.
I'm curious to know if you've reached the core of your own sadness, if life's betrayals have made you more vulnerable, or if your heart has hardened in anticipation of further suffering.

I'd like to know.
If you can tolerate pain, sit
My choice or yours
making no attempt to conceal it
or make it disappear
or make it right.

I'd like to know.
if you're able to feel joy
My choice or yours
if you have the wildness to dance
and allow bliss to engulf you
all the way down to your fingers and toes
without admonishment
to take caution
to be practical
to keep the restrictions in mind
a human person.

I'm not interested in it.
If the tale you are narrating to me
is real.
I'm curious whether you can
disappointing one more
to remain faithful to oneself
If you can handle
the charge of treachery
and keep your own spirit intact.
If you're dishonest
and is consequently reliable.

*Part two in next post

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