How Hard Is It to Convince Someone to Join a Write-to-Earn Crypto Project Like BULB?

6 Sept 2024
Do you complete your challenge every week? How often do you get to convince someone to join the bulb team? When you successfully convince someone to join, how seamless is it to onboard them? Do you often get the error "try again" or "user already has an account"?

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In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, write-to-earn platforms like BULB have gained popularity by allowing content creators to monetize their writing and earn tokens. Yet, the challenge lies in convincing others to join such a project. At first glance, the concept of writing and earning weekly rewards in cryptocurrency may seem too good to be true for many, but with the right approach, making referrals can be simpler than expected. In this article, we’ll explore strategies for effective referrals, share real-life experiences from successful referees, and delve into the common obstacles one might face.

The Appeal of Writing to Earn Crypto

The BULB platform, and others like it, has redefined the way writers can monetize their work. Unlike traditional blogging platforms, which often require ads or affiliate marketing for monetization, BULB simplifies the process by rewarding users directly with tokens for their content contributions. For many, the allure of receiving crypto tokens weekly for simply writing articles is compelling. The tokens can either be reinvested, traded, or converted into traditional currency, giving writers a unique way to capitalize on their content.

However, convincing someone to join isn’t always easy. Despite the obvious advantages, many face skepticism, lack of understanding of crypto, or hesitation to commit to regular writing. How do successful referrers overcome these challenges?

Common Barriers to Referring Someone to BULB

1. Crypto Complexity: One of the primary barriers is the lack of understanding around cryptocurrency. Many people are still unfamiliar with how crypto works or how to manage their earnings. According to a 2022 report by Chainalysis, approximately 85% of the global population has little to no knowledge of cryptocurrencies. This presents a significant hurdle when trying to explain the benefits of writing to earn tokens.

2. Skepticism About Crypto Projects: With the rapid increase in scams and unreliable crypto projects, skepticism has become a natural reaction. Potential users often question the credibility of a platform like BULB and its promise of weekly rewards. Overcoming this involves providing clear and transparent explanations of how the platform works, backed by real-world examples and testimonials from users.

3. Writing Commitment: While writing can seem like a simple task, the prospect of committing to regular content creation may deter some people. They might fear that they won’t have enough time, ideas, or the consistency needed to see substantial returns. Explaining the flexibility of the platform and showcasing how even occasional posts can lead to earnings can help address this concern.

Strategies for Successfully Referring People to BULB

1. Education is Key: Helping potential users understand the fundamentals of cryptocurrency is often the first step. Successful referrers often start by explaining how crypto wallets work, how tokens can be exchanged, and how the entire write-to-earn model operates. Keeping it simple is crucial. For instance, explaining that "You write articles, the platform rewards you in tokens, and those tokens can be traded for real money" offers an easy-to-digest summary.

A study from *Cointelegraph* revealed that platforms providing easy-to-understand explanations of crypto concepts are more likely to see user engagement and retention. Referrers who take the time to explain these concepts build trust and increase the likelihood of successful referrals.

2. Highlight the Flexibility: Another effective approach is to emphasize the platform's flexibility. Unlike many online jobs or freelance gigs, BULB allows users to write at their own pace. Whether they want to post daily or once a month, the platform rewards all contributions based on engagement and quality.

Testimonials from BULB users often stress this point. For example, a user named Emma shared, "I started writing just one article a week because I wasn’t sure if I could commit to more. But as I got the hang of it, I found myself posting more often. I’ve earned tokens consistently without feeling any pressure."

3. Sharing Personal Success Stories: Nothing convinces better than personal experiences. People are more likely to trust a recommendation when they see evidence of success. Sharing how you, or someone else, started writing on BULB and steadily earned tokens can motivate others. Whether it’s a small achievement like earning enough tokens to trade for pocket money or long-term growth, these stories show that the system works.

For instance, a long-time BULB user, Michael, shared how he began by writing only a few posts, but after a few weeks, he noticed his token earnings increase. “I was skeptical at first, but seeing the weekly rewards roll in kept me motivated. Now, it’s become a secondary source of income.”

4. Creating a Community Environment: Writing on a crypto platform like BULB is not just about individual effort. The community aspect is significant. Referrers often introduce new users to the broader community of writers, allowing them to learn, share tips, and stay motivated. This sense of belonging can be a great motivator, especially for those who might be intimidated by the idea of writing consistently.

Studies from *Harvard Business Review* highlight that people are more likely to join a new initiative when they feel part of a community. By introducing potential users to BULB’s active community, referrers help alleviate concerns and boost confidence in the platform.

5. Providing Onboarding Support: Sometimes, potential users just need a little hand-holding to get started. Offering to guide someone through setting up their wallet, writing their first article, or navigating the platform can make a huge difference. When referrers are willing to assist, the likelihood of the person joining increases significantly. A recent *HubSpot* study found that 62% of people are more likely to adopt new technology or platforms when they have direct assistance from someone familiar with the system.

Testimonials from Successful Referrals

The experience of others can serve as powerful motivation for new users. Below are some testimonials from individuals who were successfully referred to BULB and have seen significant benefits.

- Lucy’s Experience: “When my friend first told me about BULB, I didn’t even know what cryptocurrency was. But she helped me set up my wallet and explained how to write articles. Now, I’ve been writing for three months and earning tokens weekly. It’s been fun, and I love the extra income!”

- David’s Success Story: “I was skeptical about crypto, but I trusted my colleague who referred me to BULB. After my first few articles, I saw that it was legit. The community has been supportive, and now, I’m even referring others. It’s a great way to earn and be creative.”


Convincing someone to join a write-to-earn crypto project like BULB can come with challenges, including a lack of crypto knowledge, skepticism, and concerns about writing commitment. However, with the right strategies—focusing on education, highlighting flexibility, sharing personal success stories, and providing onboarding support—it becomes easier to guide potential users onto the platform. The testimonials and real-life experiences of users who have successfully joined and thrived on BULB also offer strong evidence that the system works. By creating a community-centered approach, referrals can feel more natural, and the rewards of writing for crypto can become an appealing opportunity for all.

- Chainalysis (2022). *Global Crypto Knowledge Survey*.
- Cointelegraph (2023). *How Education Boosts Crypto Adoption*.
- Harvard Business Review (2020). *The Importance of Community in Tech Adoption*.
- HubSpot (2021). *User Adoption and Onboarding Study*.

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