E-Books or Paper books

16 Aug 2022

Ebooks or Paper books, which do you prefer and why?

Well, as for me- It's paper books. Please tell me I'm not the only one that is a big fan of paper books. It's no new thing that with the advancement of technology in the world ebooks are taking over. Despite this, I still love the feel of paper on my hands and flipping through pages as I read a book. There's just something satisfying about it. It's easier for me to go back to make references to a previous page since I have a visual memory of its location in my head. In addition to that, there's no distractions that come from social media when using ebooks.

When reading, I like to make highlights, sometimes draw, make notes on my book. It's fun for me and paper books give me that allowance.
Do not get me wrong, I make use of ebooks too but paper books are a preference. I'm aware that just as they're pros to something, there's also cons. I choose to focus on the pros of paper books here. So, I'll love to hear your opinion in the comments. Which do you prefer- will you go with ebooks or Paper books?


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