My Bad Decisions and I

27 Apr 2023

We all make bad decisions even on a good day, some of us more than others. Truth is, life wouldn't be as fun as it is now if we didn't make them. If you're reading this, chances are you're making a bad decision right now. Sometimes we make these decisions on purpose to test the universe, feel the thrill of taking risks without facing consequences for our actions.

On most occasions, we face the consequences almost immediately, other times we don't which pushes us to make more bad decisions, take me for instance.

I had an argument with my girlfriend yesterday, yes, it might shock some of you but psychopaths find love too. Anyways, we had an argument about a problem we wouldn't have if we were single and she had exams today, which means she couldn't concentrate, so I had to stay over at her place to make her feel everything was okay.

The problem with staying over at her place was it wasn't her place, it was her brother's place and the second he found me in that house, I was dead. I knew if I stayed and put my entire life on the line, she'd be able to read because putting my life on the line brings her peace.
Fast forward to now, I'm still alive which means there were no consequences for my actions, I feel great and my gut is telling me to do it again or is it the devil telling me? not quite sure yet, I'd need to check.

I once trusted my gut and ate 4 whole bags of chips, not sure my gut appreciated it though.
Taking advice from people is so overrated, "Don't buy a pet snake", or, "You should read so you'll not fail your exams".

First off, do I want to fail? no...would reading make me fail? no....are they right? probably...would I listen to them and read? no, bad decision 101, one sheet of paper cannot determine your entire future. Trust your instincts always, never listen to anyone, anyone except me though, I'm your key to breaking out of the matrix.

Stop thinking and just do it, send that money to a Nigerian prince who is offering you half of his wealth, don't go to school, it's for suckers, invest all your money in a new cryptocurrency that just came out, thinking like I said before, is so overrated, who thinks these days, not me clearly.

If you've read this up to this point, congratulations, you're a step closer to making that life-changing bad decision. Go out there are take risks but if the risks take you, I was never here!!

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