The Amazing Potential of Graphene: Strong, Versatile, and Efficient

5 Jan 2024

Graphene is a single layer (monolayer) of carbon atoms. It is an allotrope of carbon in the form of a plane of sp2-bonded atoms with a molecular bond length of 0.142 nanometres.

It is the form of carbon atoms bonded to each other in the form of honeycomb-like rings, the positions of the double bonds can change without any resistance. Thus, it provides resistance-free transmission. In this case, we can say that graphene is two-dimensional. The form of graphite separated only one atom thick is called graphene. This two-dimensional matter has ripples on it. The easy interchangeability of the double bonds between the carbon atoms that make up graphene provides graphene with an excellent conduction capacity. In graphene, electrons move almost like photons and can reach speeds as high as 800,000 m/s. In 2004, scientists Kostya S. Novoselov and Andre Geim succeeded in synthesizing graphene as a single layer and were awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics by proving that it has much different electronic and physical properties than expected. This material has a higher charge than semiconductor materials such as silicon used in electronic devices today. It has much superior features in terms of movement possibility and resistance to heat and mechanical effects. Additionally, graphene transistors do not need cooling due to their low resistance to electric current. Graphene first became the center of attention when graphite, which enabled pencils to write on paper, was separated into a layer only one atom thick. Graphene, which is 200 times stronger than steel, has a very large surface area. When the graphene layer is rolled into a spherical shape, the zero-dimensional structure fullerene is formed, when it is given a cylindrical shape, a one-dimensional carbon nanotube is formed, and when the graphene layers are stacked on top of each other, 3-dimensional graphite is formed. A single layer of high-transmittance graphene absorbs only 2.3% of white light. Although it has a network structure, graphene rings are so small that even a helium atom cannot pass through these rings.

The most important features;
It has high carrier mobility.
It has high thermal conductivity.
It has high tensile strength.
It has high temperature resistance.
Graphene transistors do not need cooling due to their low resistance.

Application Areas
Semiconductors, electronics and battery energy industries have reached very high sales figures. Graphene plays a very important role in this field. A wide variety of magnetic and electronic carrier systems are being developed by creating local gaps in graphene. Graphene is a very strong material, and when the feature of being an electricity-holding substance is added to this feature, it stands out as a material that can contribute to battery technology. Graphene can be used in nanoelectromechanical system applications such as light-emitting organic displays, foldable ultra-thin mobile phones, noiseless electronic sensors, synthetic muscle, transparent conductive electrodes, solar cells, biodevices, antibacterial products, nanoribbons, transistors, optical modulators, integrated circuits, pressure sensors and resonators.
Another application area that graphene can provide convenience is supercapacitors. Supercapacitors can hold much more charge than ordinary capacitors. Supercapacitors that match the properties of graphene can eliminate the battery problem experienced in electronic devices.
Eliminating the heating problem in electronic devices due to its high mobility, very fast charging and heat resistance are among the features expected from graphene.
In addition, intensive research is being carried out to store hydrogen efficiently and use it where electrical energy is required. Graphene material can play very important roles in hydrogen storage.
The fact that graphene is a strong material may make it possible to use it in the defense industry.

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