The Top Free CRYPTO MINER BOTS on Telegram

27 Jun 2024

Cryptocurrency mining has evolved significantly over the years, a productive crypto miner is now more accessible to the average user. One of the most exciting developments in this space is the advent of Telegram bots designed for mining. These bots provide an easy and convenient way to mine crypto without the need for expensive hardware or extensive technical knowledge. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top free crypto miner bots on Telegram, highlighting their features, benefits, and how to get started.

What Are Crypto Miner Bots on Telegram?

Crypto miner bots on Telegram are automated tools that allow users to mine various cryptocurrencies directly from their Telegram app. These bots leverage cloud mining and other innovative technologies to make crypto mining accessible to everyone. Users can interact with the bots through simple commands, monitor their mining progress, and withdraw their earnings.

Top Free Crypto Miner Bots on Telegram

1. PocketFi Miner Bot

PocketFi Miner Bot stands out as one of the top choices for mining $SWITCH tokens. It is user-friendly and offers a seamless experience for both beginners and seasoned miners.
Key Features:

  • Easy Setup: Start mining $SWITCH with just a few clicks.
  • Cloud Mining: No need for specialized hardware; the bot handles everything.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Track your mining progress and earnings in real-time.
  • Secure and Reliable: Ensures the safety of your funds and personal information.
  • BOOST: Various Tasks Can be Completed To Boost Switch Income
  • Airdrops: Features to be announced for Farming Engagement for Airdrops of New Tokens


2. Tonereum Bot

Mission and Vision

  • TONOREUM “Our mission is to democratize blockchain technology through innovative uses of Telegram’s social platform, making cryptocurrency accessible and functional for everyday users. We are committed to developing a sustainable and thriving ecosystem that supports both new and experienced users in exploring and benefiting from blockchain technology.” – TONEREUM DOCS

Key Features:

  • Decentralized mining model integrated with Telegram
  • User-Friendly Interface: Simple commands and intuitive design make it easy to use.
  • Regular Updates: Frequent updates ensure the bot remains efficient and secure.
  • Referral Program: Earn additional mining power by inviting friends to use the bot.
  • Unique NFT boosters: Enhance mining capabilities


3. SimpleTap

Farm $Simple crypto exchange token via telegram mini app exchange app already on Google play.
Key Features:

  • Multiple Cryptocurrencies: Swap various coins, including Monero, Bitcoin, and Ethereum to BOOST mining.
  • Detailed Statistics: Access comprehensive mining statistics and performance metrics.
  • Referral Bonus Power: Benefit from a strong support network and active community.


4. Hamster Kombat

Hamster Kombat is a thrilling and innovative blockchain-based game that combines the excitement of combat gaming with the unique charm of hamsters. Players collect, train, and battle their hamsters in a competitive arena, leveraging various abilities and strategies to emerge victorious. Each hamster is a unique NFT, allowing players to trade and upgrade their characters on the blockchain. With engaging gameplay, vibrant graphics, and the potential for earning cryptocurrency rewards, Hamster Kombat offers a dynamic and entertaining experience for gamers and crypto enthusiasts alike.



Farm $HOT, A crypto exchange token via telegram mini app exchange app on the NEAR Network.

Key Features:

  • Farming (Claim once every 8 hours)
  • Check in daily to receive game tickets
  • Refer Friends to Boosts and Rewards

Start Mining $HOT


Early Alpha, promoted by TON and MemeFi. mine once in every 6 hours, this is not a tap bot. Farm $CL

  • Play The Game
  • Refer Friends
  • Have Fun

Get The Clayton Bot


Tronix TRX Miner on Telegram is an efficient and user-friendly bot that allows users to mine TRX, the native cryptocurrency of the TRON network, directly from their Telegram app. By leveraging cloud mining technology, Tronix TRX Miner eliminates the need for expensive hardware and complex setup processes. Users can start mining with just a few taps, monitor their progress in real-time, and withdraw their earnings securely. The bot also offers features such as referral bonuses and daily mining rewards, making it an attractive option for those looking to earn TRX effortlessly and conveniently within their preferred messaging platform. Earn $Shib as Rewards for Activities.

Mine TRX


Tonee is a versatile Telegram bot that enables users to engage in cloud mining and earn rewards in TON, FLOKI, and TONEE cryptocurrencies. This user-friendly bot leverages advanced cloud mining technology, allowing users to start mining without the need for expensive hardware or technical expertise. With just a few simple commands, users can initiate mining operations, track their progress in real-time, and withdraw their earnings securely. Tonee also offers additional incentives such as referral bonuses and daily mining rewards, providing a seamless and rewarding experience for users looking to earn multiple cryptocurrencies conveniently through their Telegram app.

  • Use Earning or Buy More Power For mining.
  • Referral Bonus in various Crypto Rewards


8. Preton Bot

$PRETON is a new meme token on TON with real-world applications.

Send an invite – once a friend launches the bot and fulfils all the conditions, you’ll get 50 $PRETON! Bonus will come for every friend!

Check Out Preton Drop

9. Ton Boost Bot

TON Boost BOT — The premier cloud mining app on Telegram, offering fast and lucrative opportunities for TON users while enriching the TON ecosystem.
Announced a Big Airdrop, where a total of 1 million $NOT tokens will be up for grabs! Everyone has a chance to win big in this Airdrop!

Key Features:

  • Mine $TON
  • Upgrade Miner for Boost
  • Earn $NOT for Task Rewards



Film fundraising launchpad and streaming service | Building on TON, accessible via Telegram | Start earning W3BFLIX Points now!

  • Let’s bring the power of film communities to TON in a way that’s never been done before.
  • Earn Diamonds for Referrals and Daily Rewards Center
  • Early Web3 Netflix On Ton.


Benefits of Using Telegram Miner Bots

  • Accessibility: Anyone with a smartphone and Telegram app can start mining.
  • Cost-Effective: No need for expensive mining hardware or high electricity bills.
  • Convenience: Manage your mining operations on-the-go, anytime, anywhere.
  • User-Friendly: Simple commands and interfaces make these bots easy to use.

In conclusion, Telegram has emerged as a powerful platform for crypto enthusiasts, offering a range of miner bots that make cryptocurrency mining more accessible than ever before. These top free crypto miner bots, including PocketFi Miner Bot, Clayton, and TONOREUM Telegram Bot, provide users with a seamless and user-friendly way to mine digital assets without the need for expensive hardware or complex setups. Each bot offers unique features, from multi-currency support and cloud mining technology to real-time monitoring and robust security measures, ensuring that users can mine with confidence and convenience.

The integration of these mining bots into the Telegram app highlights the platform’s versatility and its potential to revolutionize the way individuals participate in cryptocurrency mining. By leveraging the power of cloud mining, these bots not only reduce the barriers to entry but also democratize the mining process, making it accessible to a broader audience. The additional incentives, such as referral bonuses and daily mining rewards, further enhance the user experience, providing ample opportunities for users to maximize their earnings. As the world of cryptocurrency continues to evolve, these Telegram miner bots stand out as valuable tools for both beginners and seasoned miners, offering a cost-effective, efficient, and engaging way to delve into the exciting realm of digital currencies.

With the ever-growing popularity of Telegram as a hub for crypto-related activities, the introduction and continued development of these miner bots signify a major step forward in the accessibility and ease of cryptocurrency mining. Users can now manage their mining operations on-the-go, enjoy the benefits of a streamlined and intuitive interface, and rest assured that their activities are secure and reliable. Whether you are looking to mine TON, FLOKI, or CL with the Clayton bot, or explore the multi-currency capabilities of PocketFi and Ton Boost Bot Telegram Bot, there is a Telegram mining bot to suit your needs. By embracing these innovative tools, users can actively participate in the cryptocurrency ecosystem and potentially reap significant rewards, all from the convenience of their Telegram app. Happy mining!

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