history of Bangladesh's independence

3 Jan 2024

.history of Bangladesh's independence war

Love is the most beautiful feeling among all human feelings. And among all that is possible to love in this world, the most intense love can only be for motherland. No one is more unfortunate than those who have never felt love for their motherland. The history of the freedom war fought for our very fortunate motherland is a history of deep sacrifice, a history of incredible courage and heroism and a history of great achievements. When one learns this history of sacrifice, valor and achievement, he will not only feel a deep love and compassion for the country, but his chest will swell with pride at the thought of this country, this people.

Early history

If you want to describe anything, it has to be said a little earlier, so to know the history of Bangladesh, you can go a little earlier and start from the British period. The British ruled the region for nearly two hundred years. Thousands of people gave their lives, went to jail, went to the island for freedom from them. In 1940, it was decided in the 'Lahore Resolution' that two countries would be formed from the two regions of India with Muslim majority and one country from the remaining region. But on August 14, 1947, the two areas in which Muslims are the majority were divided into one country called Pakistan and on August 15, the remaining area was divided into another country called India instead of two different countries. A very strange country was born in the world called Pakistan, which has two parts in two places. What is now Pakistan is called West Pakistan and what is now Bangladesh is called East Pakistan. The distance in between is about two thousand kilometers and there is a different country - India.

Discrimination , Discrimination , Exploitation and Conspiracy

Not only the distance of about 2000 km between East and West Pakistan, there was also a huge distance between the people. Their appearance, language, food, clothing, culture, traditions were all different, only one thing was common among the majority of people - that is religion. Such a strange country should try a little more separately to sustain it, but the rulers of Pakistan did not make that effort. At the time of partition, the population of West Pakistan was 20 million, East Pakistan was 40 million, so it can be easily said that if there is one West Pakistani in education, business, trade, police-military, civil servants, then there are two East Pakistanis. should be In fact, it is the opposite, West Pakistan's share in everything was 80 to 90 percent. 75% of the budget was spent on West Pakistan, 25% on East Pakistan, although revenue from East Pakistan was higher, 62%. Most alarming was the size of the army, West Pakistan had 25 times more soldiers than East Pakistan.

general Ayub Khan took over the power of Pakistan due to political instability. He was not in that capacity for one day or two, but for eleven consecutive years. Military rule can never bring anything good anywhere, there is not a single example in the whole world where military rule has been able to advance a country - not even Ayub Khan.

Six points

Military rule in the country, on top of that so much deprivation on the people of East Pakistan, so the Bengalis were not ready to accept it very easily. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the brilliant leader of Awami League, the largest political party of Bengalis, announced 6 points in 1966 demanding autonomy for the people of East Pakistan. The six points were a remarkable document for the liberation of the Bengalis of East Pakistan from all kinds of economic exploitation, deprivation and oppression. It took a lot of courage to raise a demand like autonomy with six points in the midst of the tyranny that was going on against the political leaders of Pakistan at that time. As soon as the six-point demand was made, all the big and small leaders of the Awami League were arrested and put in jail. Not only that, to give a severe punishment to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, he was made the prime accused in a case of treason called the Agartala Conspiracy Case.

in the elections, so the parties will continue to fight and fight among themselves and the army will loot the country from power by showing it as a reason. So seeing the result of the election, the sky fell on the head of General Yahya Khan, the result was unbelievable - Bangabandhu's Awami League got 160 seats out of 162 seats in East Pakistan by a huge margin. When the elections in all the seats were over, it was found that among the 313 seats of the National Assembly of Pakistan, including nominated women's seats, Awami League won 167 seats in East Pakistan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's People's Party won 88 seats in West Pakistan and all other parties together got the remaining 58 seats.

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