Top 5 Supplements to Build Muscle and Lose Body Fat

9 Jan 2024

Whey Protein

  • Whey protein is the most comprehensive supplement you can take, containing all essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are the building blocks of protein that our bodies cannot synthesize and need to be obtained through food. If I had to choose only one supplement in life, it would be whey protein.


  • Creatine holds the title of the most clinically studied supplement to date. Contrary to popular belief, creatine doesn't cause your muscles to appear fuller by storing more water. It aids in producing ATP, the body's energy unit, by adding phosphate to adenosine diphosphate. Recent studies have also shown that creatine not only contributes to muscle gain but also supports cognitive functions.

Essential Amino Acids

  • Essential amino acids, like those found in whey protein, are essential components on our list. While using whey protein, you might think that essential amino acids are unnecessary, and you wouldn't be entirely wrong. However, a study has shown that adding essential amino acid supplements to your daily diet has a significant impact on muscle gain and fat loss.

Magnesium Glycinate

  • The often overlooked but crucial part of muscle gain and fat loss is sleep. Our bodies renew themselves during sleep. Proper sleep facilitates the brain's self-renewal. Just like the brain, our bodies also need complete rest. Magnesium glycinate helps you sleep and ensures you get a full REM sleep. Therefore, it is indispensable.

Vitamin D

  • Vitamin D is a proven deficiency in many people. When supported by a proper diet, it helps maintain hormonal balance. If you want to boost your testosterone hormone, you should take a vitamin D supplement alongside quality strength training.

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