Harsh Reality of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is an adversarial endeavor. It has been documented and accepted for centuries that the attacker will have the initiative. Initiative is a military term that describes the ability of aggressors to decide where, what, when, and how an attack will occur. This is a huge advantage, which leaves the defenders waiting and then responding to what the attacker does.
Cybersecurity is no different. Cyber threats maintain the initiative, while security professionals are often waiting to respond, with hopefully a strong prepared defense. It is not fair, nor is it intended to be. But that is the world that every cybersecurity leader must accept and work within as they pursue an optimal balance of security.
The renowned military strategist Sun Tzu believed that victory greatly depended on understanding the threat, the landscape, and one’s own capabilities. As cybersecurity professionals, we must therefore understand the threat agents, the technological battlefield, and our capability to prevent, detect, and respond to attacks.