Bodyguard Sex Position⁉️

6 Mar 2023

Bodyguard Sex Position⁉️

The man's hands are free to roam and explore her body, and if height allows, both partner's necks are readily available for some lovin'.

👉Small height differences can be resolved with some bending at the knees, but larger differences may require heels, or even a stepping stool to get aligned.
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Think you're a freak for thinking about freaky stuff? Nope! Even though most people don't talk about it, fully 97 percent of us have sexual fantasies. The vast majority say they fantasize somewhere between several times per week and several times per day. Really, the surprising part is that there are some people who report zero sexual fantasi
Seated Rear-Entry

🧨How you do it:
“The best car position is with him seated in the passenger seat and with her on top, facing away from him for some rear-entry access.” “This position is all the better with her legs inside of his, keeping the position compact and controlled.”

🧨Why it’s awesome:
“The woman controls penetration and rhythm. There is heightened G-spot stimulation with rear entry, and she or he has access to the clitoris,”

If you do require some assistance for height, consider taking advantage of some furniture to help keep balance.

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