My Writing Is Worth Much More Than Peanuts, I Am Not A F' ing Monkey

8 Aug 2024

I have been in the game of writing content for many years. And to be honest I never expected to get rich by doing so.

Yesterday I had this enlightening little discussion with a very positive person on this platform:@Darox thanks for making me think a bit more about inputs and outputs on writing platforms like Bulb.

Now for me the light Bulb moment (pun intended) of the discussion was this point:

I can go and mow lawns and make 15 dollars an hour doing something I don´t like or I can spend 20 hours a week writing on platforms like HIVE, Bulb, and Publish0x making less than a dollar an hour in crypto.

Please don´t bring up other options like text writer etc. because I have a day job already.

I am writing because I have that drive. I have written for a newspaper in a long forgotten past and if anyone would ask me to do that again, No Thank You I am not interested.
Writing is my creative expression, it´s a hobby and my hobby makes me money instead of costing money.

From that angle, the crypto dollar-per-hour sounds pretty good.

Quality Content

But there is another side to every story even the ones I write and that is that there are trash content creators that make a lot more per hour. But I am not even gonna compare myself to that.

What I do think is that I create quality content. And that the daily writing I have been doing for years now has improved my content. I noticed that when I went back to the place I started writing and got a million compliments on my work.

They did not remember me, but I remembered them and then I remembered why I left. They are not there to grow, to get better, to deliver quality, and they were not and they never will be.

But I Am

I had a dream....
Or better a wishlist.

When I was 16 I had three wishes, nothing that was unachievable but still I consider them things that many want and not all will get.

Being a DJ, many dream of it but few can say that they stood okaying for a 2000 people audience each month. I did it, don't ask me how but I set my mind to it and did it.

Working in a Dutch Coffeeshop, it sounds like just another job but my friends and I would love to have that job when we were 16 and scraping by to buy our weed while these guys behind the bar could smoke whatever they wanted and got a discount.

Set my mind to it and.... nothing...still nothing ...and done.
Now the third wish, and probably the biggest wish of all when it comes to feasibility, is to become a bestselling writer. Now the selling can be taken into a broader perspective nowadays but basically, I want to be read by let's say at least 100K people.

Preferably weekly but if it's one book that sells 100K copies I will accept that as a win as well.
I have been working on achieving that dream since I was little, I won some prizes back in my school days. Then got some great reviews while studying journalism, and now for the last 8 years I have been sharing my written content.

I have written about Wuhan, TV series, God, Music, Finance, and probably a million more things.

I had articles with over 10K views and articles nobody ever read. I got the most beautiful comments in the world that kept me going, and I am still waiting on my first death threat.

I Forgot One Thing

Of course, I sometimes made a decision out of commercial interest and decided to change a word or a title, but it's been minimal.

I made money over the years, but it has been minimal.
The thing is I accepted it to be minimal because that is what the output on most online writing platforms is, it's minimal.

I accepted that as the status quo, that no matter how great my articles were, no matter how much time I put into them the inputs would not equal the outputs. I am an awesome type monkey, but I accepted peanuts for my inputs.
And that is fine, I love writing, I love learning, and so I accepted it.

But today, after yesterday's discussion I had this brain fart. This epiphany for dummies:
If you accept a situation it will remain as is, you will have to set your mind to something to achieve it.

Bikini Bottom Line

I will become a best-selling and/or well-read author and as of today, I consider my work worth much more than a dollar per hour input. I do no longer accept that online writing, I say writing not shitposting, has an output that is not in line with the input.
To make my last wish happen I need to set my mind to it and that means changing my mindset.

My online creations or real-world written and printed creations will become a hit and sell like hell.

If you accept peanuts, you will always be a monkey! And I am no Monkey, I consider myself Van Gogh with a keyboard.

Now the only worry I have since I changed my mind is that I will not become another Van Gogh, as in being freaking famous while dead and poor AF alive.

Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

If you want to see what 4 hours of inputs generates here is a perfect Example:

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "Let´sTalk About Sin Baby"

Now that should be worth more than a Dollar an Hour

I think 100 dollars would make me feel less like a monkey.

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