Redstone Oracles

28 Jan 2024

Did you know that RedStone provides various ETF data feeds? πŸ“ˆ SEC finally approved spot BTC ETF and the market awaits spot ETH ETF. But RedStone is already the only Oracle delivering C3M Amundi ETF data feed in the Pull and Push model on Ethereum, used by @AngleProtocol

What is C3M ETF? πŸ€”

The C3M ETF by @Amundi_US tracks short-term Euro treasury bonds (0-6 months) via the FTSE Eurozone Government Bill 0-6 Month Capped Index, offering direct ownership in its assets with a capitalization dividend approach. Yes, that's #RWA category βœ…

Why? πŸ‘€

Since $agEUR from @AngleProtocol is partially backed by tokenized ETFs linked to short-term Euro bonds, the implementation of this naturally necessitated the use of oracles for asset pricing. You can learn more about $agEUR from this thread πŸ‘‡

How? πŸ› οΈ

Working in partnership with Angle, RedStone updates the price of this asset daily around noon. This ensures that DeFi platforms and their users consistently have access to current and trustworthy data πŸ”’

@AngleProtocol allows the use of shares in this ETF for minting $agEUR, and RedStone plays a crucial role in monitoring the value of each share. This enables Angle to efficiently manage liquidation processes if the value falls below the predetermined liquidation threshold βš–οΈ

If you want to integrate $C3M or $agEUR into your protocol feel free to contact our team and jump straight into our Docs πŸ‘‡

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