Blogging and Blockchain

2 May 2024

I have always been a big computer nerd. I loved technology and the idea of being connected to people and things thousands of miles away. Being able to have information at my fingertips and immersing myself in a new digital world. I never really took this passion anywhere because I was what people would call a troubled child. It was hard for me to concentrate in school, and I was always a little different than other kids. I was put on medicine to calm my brain, but nothing ever helped. I never really wanted to do anything with my life. After a while I was dragged into the never-ending battle of drug addiction. Not trying to get too personal, just trying to give you a back story and let you know how and why I started writing.

Throughout my life, I’ve grappled with significant attention challenges. These struggles have often led to complications in various aspects of my life. In my quest for solace, I found temporary relief in substances, both legal and illicit, as they seemed to quiet my restless mind. However, everything changed when I discovered the world of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain. It’s funny, as I write this, it almost sounds like the script of an infomercial. But bear with me, I assure you there’s a point to my story.

From the moment I first learned about Cryptocurrency, I was captivated by its potential to revolutionize the world. Eager to share this discovery, I would often discuss it with my wife. However, during those challenging times, she perceived it as just another fleeting attempt at a get-rich-quick scheme. Little did we know then, how transformative it would truly be.

So, for the next 10ish years I was on the hunt trying to find a way to learn as much as I could and find ways to earn while also dealing with addiction. I tried everything. I tried mining on computers and phones which I did not earn much of anything other than a couple burnt out devices, but I learned a lot. I learned that mining might just not be for me 😂. This made me start looking into other earning options. This is when I came across faucet websites. This was back in the day when Coinpot was still a thing. This faucet would pay extremely well and would allow you to claim every 5 minutes. It is funny because I tried to do it as much as I could but if I knew what I know now I would have been doing those faucets every five minutes and telling everyone I knew to sign up. Well, all good things must end. Those faucets ended up shutting down. I ended up searching everywhere for new earning opportunities. I ran across a couple good faucets such as FaucetPay and FaucetCrypto but none of them compared to what they used to be and if you do not know what you are doing or looking for then the wrong faucet websites can cause havoc on your computer. So back to the earning hunt I went.

Doors were opened for me when I was introduced to a platform called This was one of the first blogging for Crypto platforms I used. This allowed me to connect to other like-minded people and learn from their experiences. Writing also opened doors to sharing referrals. When I find a decent earning platform, I would share it on their hoping someone would enjoy what I was sharing and use my link to sign up.

I tried doing this for a while, but good earning websites were hard to come by. They either barely paid, didn’t pay, or brought you to some questionable websites. I do not like sharing random websites because I want to make sure what I share is something I use and have not had problems using. So, I started looking for other ways to earn. This is when I came across social blockchain platforms. I realized I could create videos and write articles about platforms and share them on these social blockchain projects. I would earn from writing, referrals, and just sharing my posts. Now dealing with addiction during all of this was not easy. I lost so many keys and electronics, it is not even funny. I try not to think about the mistakes I have made though. I try to learn from them and grow. If you dwell to much on the past you will never enjoy the present and be excited for the future.

You are probably wondering where I am going with this. What I am trying to say is the world is changing. Cryptocurrency blogging platforms are opening doors for average joes like me. It is giving the average person a way to express themselves and earn from it.

When I first started writing I was not good. I am still not very good, but I am growing and learning every time I post. If you are holding back from writing because you think you are not good, then I suggest just going for it and giving it a try. Find something you are interested in and start writing. You will be amazed how much your passion for something can help your writing grow. What kept me going was my drive to learn and earn. No matter how bad my video or article I made was, I would still post it. You cannot grow without making some mistakes along the way. What matters is that you learn and use what you have learned to update and upgrade your creations.

In this article I want to go over a platform I think is changing the blogging world. Earning money from blogging has been around since the early 2000’s but nothing compares to this platform. Blogging will never be the same.

Blogging & Blockchain

Over the years blogging has been evolving. Ever since 1994 when a student (Justin Hall) at Swarthmore College created the first blog on Now, in the present day when blogging has been incorporated into social media, I wonder if Justin Hall ever thought it would grow to be what it is today.

With the creation of websites like Blogger and Medium we have seen a lot more people sharing their thoughts and life through blogs. It was only in 2017 when Medium started its partner program that allows bloggers to earn from their writing. That was only 5 years ago. Seems like ages ago.

Blogging has once again evolved, this time due to a recent technology known as cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency uses a technology called blockchain, which allows data and assets to be transferred from one place to another quickly, securely, with minimal fees, and without the need for an intermediary. It’s a trustless system that empowers everyone to act as their own bank. This technology has led many companies to incorporate it into a variety of projects, including social media, gaming, and blogging.

Earlier this year (Oct/16/2024) I created a video “BULB – The Future of Blogging” and wrote an article titled “BULB – Earn Crypto Blogging”. This article was about an up and coming blogging platform that uses the Solana blockchain. BULB allows you to earn their native token called BULB from interacting on the platform. You can earn by liking, commenting, and posting. There is a lot to BULB and there have been a couple updates since my last post.

Keep reading to find out what the BULB platform is, why I think it is a project you might want to keep an eye on, recent updates/changes, and how you earn and withdraw.

What is BULB?

BULB is the next evolution in blogging. It is a blogging platform that has uses the power of blockchain. BULB has made it so each user who decides to engage in the platform can earn its native token called BULB. It is a write to earn, read to earn, and comment to earn platform. BULB allows everyone (not just creators) to be monetized right from the start. If you are interacting with the platform you are earning.

BULB was created in 2021 by the genius minds of Ronson Chau (Co-Founder), Johnson Chau (Co-Founder), Faye Xie (Founding Member), and Alex Rose (Founding Member). In my previous article I went over everything BULB had to offer but platforms as good as this tend to evolve quickly. A lot has changed since my last article so let's start at the beginning.

Do not get me wrong, platforms like Medium are amazing for networking and getting your ideas out there, earning from them is a different story. BULB on the other hand is something different. Everyone who uses BULB is monetized from the beginning. No matter how big of a creator or how small you are the amount you earn depends on how good your work is and how much you participate in the platform.

BULB also has NFTs. The NFTs allow you to earn more. There are a couple of different types of NFTs you can get. Each one has a special purpose and allows you to earn more from your comments, likes, and posts. If you would like to know more about the NFTs then check out my video at the beginning of this article.

If you like to write or you are someone who loves to read while also earning Crypto then BULB is exactly what you are looking for. BULB not only allows the writer to earn, but it also allows the readers to earn from liking and commenting on the post. It is a win win for anyone who uses this next level blogging platform. Now a couple of things have changed since my last article. Not just anyone can enjoy earning anymore. This is due to the amount of spammers. The BULB team has implemented a type of pay wall for anyone who wants to reap the benefits of the platform. There is also a new way to multiply your earnings through staking. Keep reading to find out how the staking aspect works and why I think a pay wall is important. I have already seen improvements in the amount of spam articles I have seen.

There are a couple things you need to know before you jump into BULB though. I guess there has been a good number of bots and spammers sharing garbage trying to earn as much as they can. BULB had to come up with a way to limit the number of spammers and token farmers. In the next section we are going to go over some updates and changes BULB has made since the last time I covered this project.


In this section I am going to go over some of the updates that have occurred on the BULB platform. The BULB platform is growing fast. I will try to keep up to date on updates but I have a feeling this platform is going to grow fast and be hard to keep up with. I will do my best to keep them coming though.

Write and Comment Unlock Fee

This is not as bad as it sounds, I promise. Just recently BULB has made it so you must invest a small amount of BULB to start using the platform. You will need to pay 2,000 BULB to start blogging and another 500 BULB to be able to start commenting. The BULB team said they are doing this to get rid of some of the bots and spammers. Making it so you must pay to use the platform makes it so multiple accounts are not created to just farm tokens from the platform.

This is not a monthly fee or anything. This is a one time charge to make sure you are actually interested in contributing to the ecosystem instead of trying to just farm tokens. There will always be those people who just try to earn the easiest way possible. If you take your time to share you passions and interests you might just be amazed at how many people enjoy your content.

Stake to Earn

Staking is a big deal for users of BULB that have been around since the beginning. I have been using BULB for a while now and I was able to accumulate a decent amount of BULB. Now do not judge me for this. We all make mistakes. I earned a little over 400,000 BULB when I first started using the platform. I sold half of it and saved the other half. Now I am beating myself up for selling. I wish I could have staked that extra 200,000. I guess the only thing we can do is learn from our mistakes and move on. It hurts just thinking about it to be honest.

Staking allows users to lock their earned BULB, and earn a little extra every week. You can claim your staked tokens once a week when you claim your regular rewards. We will go over this a little more later in the Earning and Withdrawing section of this article.

Exchanging BULB

The time has finally come, and you can now exchange your earned BULB directly in the BULB application. If you are using BULB on your phone, then I suggest using your wallet browser to use BULB. So instead of using Chrome, Safari, or some other browser, use the browser that is built into your wallet. This way it is easy to sign transactions and get things done. If you are using a browser then make sure your wallet extension is installed and signed in. I always suggest keeping a cold wallet where you can keep your savings. I know it is hard to afford extra stuff. We are all here trying to earn and save up for our future or be able to afford the things we want. If you want a detailed way of how to create your own cold wallet then you can check out one of my older articles called "Turn A Flash Drive Into A Secure Crypto Wallet". I am not sure if you can hold BULB on there but it is a great way to hold your Crypto in a secure wallet that only you control. It is a cool little trick and a little outdated. There might be better ways to create wallets on a USB so I suggest doing a quick Google search also to see what you come up with.

Earning & Withdrawing

Earning BULB is easy. So, the first thing you need to do is to pay your write and comment unlock fee. You can still like posts, but you will not earn much of anything from just liking posts. The best way to earn is through posting and commenting. To do this you need to pay the one-time fee I talked about in the pay to blog and comment section. After you have done this, you can start your BULB earning journey. You can earn more by completing your weekly tasks. To get a better idea of how this all works I suggest watching my video at the beginning of this article, but I will try my best to explain how it works here. You can find your tasks by clicking your profile picture then clicking Profile. Click Challenges and then follow the instructions to complete each challenge.

Once you post an article, comment five times, like five times, and a couple other tasks then you can claim extra BULB points. The more BULB points you accumulate each week the more you will earn. Every Monday you will receive your reward for the week prior. It is easy to earn, and fun to read what other creators are sharing and exploring. Make sure when you comment it is genuine and you are not just commenting for the tasks. Also make sure when you create articles you are truly creating them. The more effort you put into your articles the more it will get noticed.

Withdrawing is another easy task. When the earning week is over all you need to do is click your profile picture and then click the BULB token section. This will bring you to the area where you can claim your regular rewards and your staking rewards. All you need to do is click the claim rewards buttons from each section and then the BULB token will be sent to your wallet. From your wallet you can either use a exchange of your choice or you can use the exchange built into the BULB platform.

The Future of BULB

BULB is still an extremely new platform. This is not financial advice, and I am not saying to invest in the BULB token. What I am saying is that if you are into blogging or reading then you are not going to want to miss out on this platform. BULB is growing fast and the bigger the platform grows and the larger the user base becomes the harder it will be to get your digital hands on some BULB. Blogging has been around for decades now. BULB is what the evolved version of blogging looks like.

No one knows the future of platforms or blockchain projects. I am pretty good at telling a good project from a bad one and BULB is a platform you are not going to want to miss. It is changing the way we interact and earn. It is changing the way we look at blogging. Instead of the blogger just getting rewarded now both the writer and reader earn. The idea behind this project is next level and I truly believe BULB will become a name everyone knows in the coming years.

Final Thoughts

I truly do not think the majority of the world knows what is going on. A whole new economy has been created using the internet and blockchain technology. Cryptocurrency is not going anywhere. The world is now connected. See you next time and thanks for reading.

Thanks for reading! Check out some of my favorite platforms below.

Tangled - Pay me Internet (DAG technology)
Torum - Earn XTM using social media (BNB)
Bulb - Earn BULB blogging (SOL)
Grill - Earn SUB using social media (DOT)

Check out my website for all my content and to learn more about Crypto! 
Earn With Hatty - Links to some of the best Crypto earning platforms. 
Learn With Hatty - A place to learn about different Cryptocurrency projects

BULB: The Future of Social Media in Web3

Learn more

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