The experiment.
The topic of school and teachers came up, I remember my school in Mumbai and the teachers of my school life. Union High School in Girgaon and my brothers and sisters, Joshi Sir, Shirke Sir, who gave me great love during my school days; But at the same time it must also be said that how can I express my gratitude to my dearest mother and my maternal uncle who brought me into contact with this school and the teachers who imparted this rite of passage? Mother is every child's first teacher. In my case, my mother was not only my teacher. So I had everything.Our native village Machel in South Goa. I spent my childhood there. My maternal uncle is also from this village. Faint memories of playing on one of the grounds there and feeling relaxed sitting on the pimpalkatta come to my mind like a wave of wind from time to time. My father died when I was six years old and we had to leave our village of Machel to earn a living. Me and my mother reached Mumbai. We used to live in small rooms on the first floor of 'Malti Niwasa' in Deshmukh Galli in Khetwadi in Girgaon. My ill-educated mother struggling with poverty with completely degraded financial conditions and a penchant for punishment; But since it is not possible to pay any fees, 'How can I go to school?' I am the one who carries such a question mark. The atmosphere at that time was like this!But my mother did not give up. She is not tired. She was doing different hard work. In that, my maternal uncle who came to Mumbai from Machel also came to help. Thanks to them, I got admission in a primary school in Khetwadi. This school belonged to the municipal corporation. Like me, the school situation was desperate; But the teachers here were very rich in heart. My school was started in such a situation that I did not even have slippers on my feet. By the age of twelve IAfter finishing school, when it was time to enroll in high school, another big crisis came up. The high school admission fee at that time was twenty one rupees; But where will we get so much money? Now it seems like my education will stop because I can't fill the admission key; But my mother did not give up. She started collecting money by doing some jobs in Binhad nearby. At the same time a mauli of her acquaintance rushed to the rescue and my entrance fee was arranged; But by that time the admissions in the famous schools of Girgaon were closed.I finally got admission in Union High School and started the next phase of secondary education. I was studying as much as I could through many obstacles, but the space in that small room was insufficient.There was no conducive environment for study. But even in that environment I continued to study hard and got good success in the exam. The teachers of this Union High School, their charitable attitude, their dedication to teaching the students and their absolute spirit of guidance laid the foundation not only for my schooling, but also for my life. There was an inner passion for education.In our high school mock exams were conducted every Saturday. Our high school was also poor, so we had to carry answer sheets. At that time it was worth only three paise. You may not agree; But then even when raising this three paise every week, my mother's eyes were watery. Even today I remember that a thorn is standing on my body, she worked hard for me. It worked. Once she came to know that she would get some work near the Congress House. Standing in line, still waiting; She was told that only those with a third degree or above would be given the job. Of course she heard thisIn what words can I describe the pains she took for me as she actually did? She used to collect the blanks, scraps, scraps of paper and it was difficult for me to get an unbroken pencil to do it. So I had to write a book that could barely be held in hand
He met me in this high school teaching physics. While teaching this subject in science, he not only taught the science, but also taught the subject and at the same time taught a great philosophy of life.One day in school he was doing an experiment of combining the power of the sun's rays on a piece of paper with a magnifying glass.How can I forget the great ambitions of life from these teachings of Sir? Like Bhave sir, in my school and further educational life, Joshi sir, Shirke sir, Shri. Malegawatawa gave good guidance and culture for the formation of my personality. This school and bath teachers gave me a lot of shidori to build my life. Gained confidence to fight. Gave sense of the world. Even today, when I walk around and remember my school days, I remember moment after moment facing extreme poverty and at the same time, my mother, my teacher, my school, my Sanskar Kendra stands, I start going to Manomani School again.