Phase Of Life & Mature Behaviours

9 Jan 2025

Good Morning Bulb Family!

Greetings, everyone!


Knock at your notification bar. Yes, here I am. Hello, my family. How are you people? Sleeping well or just remaining busy for the celebration? Yeah, the day is coming, and I can feel your happiness far from your residence. Anyone can feel it. At one stage of life, you were a mere child looking for gifts, and now you are the one who is working hard to do the same thing your parents did for you. Now you are a responsible person. Life changed your desires. We are grown up now!
Life never stops testing you. Every turning point in your life came after passing a test. You never knew how, or you had never checked it. We all have passed in these exams. Let me explain to you.

Note: This article is also published on my account.

Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.

The Coffee Of Jealousy Is Red In Colour.

Toy Story Has Ended!
Nope, I’m not talking about the story. I’m talking about your life, which has changed with the passage of time. Once upon a time, you cried for new toys like cars or dolls. But now, you're no longer in that phase. You've grown up. No more crying, no more throwing things around to get new cars or Barbie dolls. We all had those days in our childhood, but now, everything has changed. We’re adults now. Some of us are parents. We are the ones buying toys for our children now, right? Where are those promises we made, that we would buy out the entire toy store when we grew up? Maturity has shifted our desires.
Returning Home Early
As children, we always wanted to play more and more. When our parents called us inside, we were upset. Then, as teenagers, we loved late-night parties and long drives with friends. We didn’t want to listen to anyone. That life was different. We followed the most common teenage mantra: “My life, my rules.” Well, reality check. Now, the tables have turned. We’re working adults now, pretending to be good parents. And, of course, now we understand why our parents said no to certain things. We return home earlier. Late-night parties are a thing of the past. We’re dealing with life’s obstacles and figuring out the answers.
Share for Care
Yes, now we share to show our utmost care and love for others—our family, our children. This didn’t happen overnight. From wanting the bigger piece of food to now sharing what we have with others, you, my dear, have come a long way in your journey of maturity. Correct me if I’m wrong, but what happened to us? Did our appetite for food end? No, it’s simply that we’ve started caring more. That’s how life works now.
We Prefer Savings

Now, let’s talk about the final chapter of today’s reflection. We prefer saving money for the future. Let me rephrase that—it's not just money. We’re also learning to save other things too. We’re concerned about the future now. Those days of spending money on unnecessary things are gone. Do you remember when we wanted more money from our parents to buy new clothes, new gadgets—even though we had plenty at home? Yes, I’ve done that too. And guess what? The next generation will do the same. Funny, isn’t it? But here’s the twist: now, we understand the value of saving. A little control over our temporary desires can shape a better future. It’s the simple logic of life. Our parents did it, and now we’re doing it.
A Part of the Life Cycle
This is the cycle of life, my friend. No one can change it. It will continue forever. The change happens with age. As we mature, we learn to navigate life more wisely. The tests of life will keep coming. You might think it’s over, but trust me—it’s just the beginning. Life doesn’t end until we breathe our last.

Ending Thoughts

Until we meet again, stay curious, stay connected, and above all, stay true to yourself.
If you have any questions or further inquiries, feel free to reach out to me through my contact information provided below:

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