Deconstructing Ransomware Series
Ransomware attacks are vicious, expensive, impactful, and becoming commonplace. So, let’s take a look at what Ransomware is, how attacks typically unfold, and what potential victims can do to improve their risk posture.
In the full video I break down the cybercriminal attackers, who are most often behind ransomware attacks, and look at their motivation and targets. I then identify the most likely areas of initial attack and how they tend to move laterally across an organization to their target areas. Once there, they dig in, cause damage, and begin exfiltrating data out of the victim to be used as part of secondary extortion to motivate victims to pay.
The interface is available to everyone (check the description in the YouTube video) which also highlights the likely impacts for each business area and recommended measures to mitigate the growing risks.
Watch the full video below or here: