True Story Of Success !

24 Feb 2024

This story is for those people who feel that they cannot be successful in their life. In this story there is a farmer who sows crops in his field.

But his crop never grows and when the crop grows, it gets attacked by insects. The farmer was very worried about this. He felt that

He could never be successful in his life. Then one day his friend came to his house after many years. Seeing him upset, his friend asked him the reason for his trouble.

He told everything to his friend. After listening to the farmer, his friend asked him to go to a saint.

That saint was very intelligent and wise. The farmer's friend said that he will get you out of your trouble.

After listening to his friend, the farmer went to meet the saint the next day. After meeting the saint, the farmer told everything to the saint and asked when he could be successful.

success through struggle

So the saint told the farmer to take one seed every day and sow it in his field and take constant care of it.

The farmer did the same after listening to the saint. He sowed one seed in the field every day and took good care of it.

He watered the seeds and kept them safe from insects. A month passed by doing this. The farmer noticed that plants had emerged from some of the seeds he had sown in his field.

The farmer was very happy to see those plants and he continued his work.

Every day he would sow a seed in the field and take good care of it and soon crops would grow in all the farmer's fields.

Lesson Of The Story

From this story we learn that if we want to be successful in our life then we have to work continuously without stopping whatever work we want to do.

By dividing it into small parts and doing it continuously, we can be successful in it.

The End !

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