Argentinian President Javier Milei Voices Strong Support for Bitcoin

24 Jun 2024

Argentinian President Javier Milei Voices Strong Support for Bitcoin

President Javier Milei of Argentina has reaffirmed his endorsement of Bitcoin (BTC) and other alternative currencies for the nation's economy. In a June 19, 2024, post on X (formerly Twitter), Milei announced that Argentina will embrace a competitive market for currencies, explicitly including Bitcoin. This announcement came in response to a comment by former VanEck executive, Gabor Gurbacs, who emphasized that “Bitcoin was created for everyone.”
Milei also mentioned that the competition will extend to other units such as West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and British Thermal Units (BTU).

Cryptocurrency Policies Under Milei's Leadership

Milei's support for Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies is not new. Throughout his presidential campaign, he consistently criticized the central bank, labeling it a "fraud." He has been a vocal advocate for cryptocurrencies as a means to restore financial control to individuals and the private sector. Milei praises Bitcoin’s scarcity, believing it offers stability and fosters trust in the largest cryptocurrency.

Since his election in November 2023, Milei has brought renewed hope to Argentinians facing economic instability and high inflation. He has emphasized the necessity of significant austerity measures to stabilize the economy. These policies have started to yield positive results, with the monthly inflation rate decreasing for five consecutive months, reaching below 5% in May—a drastic decline from the peak of over 25% when he first assumed office.
Under Milei's leadership, Argentina has also begun to recognize Bitcoin as a legitimate payment method for domestic contracts. This policy was implemented through the "Foundation for the Reconstruction of Argentina's Economy" decree, enacted on December 20, 2023, laying the groundwork for the use of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in official transactions within the country.

Strengthening Argentina’s Role in the Global Crypto Ecosystem

Beyond domestic policies, Argentina is also bolstering its position in the international cryptocurrency ecosystem. The National Securities Commission of Argentina (CNV) recently collaborated with El Salvador’s National Digital Assets Commission (CNAD). This partnership aims to explore broader adoption and regulation of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in both countries.

El Salvador made history as the first country to adopt Bitcoin as an official currency in 2021, pioneering the global advancement of cryptocurrencies. Argentina’s engagement with El Salvador marks a significant step in its journey toward integrating cryptocurrencies into its economic framework.


Javier Milei’s presidency marks a transformative period for Argentina’s economic policy, with a bold embrace of Bitcoin and other alternative currencies at its core. By advocating for a competitive currency market, Milei aims to decentralize financial power and enhance individual financial autonomy. His administration's innovative stance on cryptocurrency reflects a broader vision of economic revitalization amidst Argentina's persistent challenges with inflation and instability. The early positive impacts of his policies, particularly the significant reduction in inflation, signal a promising direction for the country's financial future.

On the global stage, Argentina’s proactive steps to integrate Bitcoin into its economy and its collaboration with El Salvador highlight a commitment to being at the forefront of the cryptocurrency revolution. As Milei continues to implement policies supporting digital currencies, Argentina is positioning itself as a pivotal player in the evolving global crypto landscape. This progressive approach not only seeks to stabilize the domestic economy but also to align Argentina with the future of global finance, potentially paving the way for greater economic resilience and growth.

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