Ledger CEO Explains What Makes a Wallet Secure as Ledger Flex Launches

26 Jul 2024

As the digital currency landscape continues to expand, the need for secure storage solutions becomes increasingly paramount. Ledger, a prominent player in the hardware wallet industry, has taken another step forward with the launch of its latest product, the Ledger Flex.

This new device, along with its predecessor, the Ledger Stax, introduces a unique blend of advanced security features and user-friendly design.

In this article, we explore the key elements that Ledger CEO Pascal Gauthier claims make these wallets secure and what sets them apart in the market.

The Evolution of Secure Hardware Wallets

The Importance of Hardware Wallets

Hardware wallets are crucial for cryptocurrency holders who seek to protect their assets from cyber threats. Unlike software wallets, which can be vulnerable to malware and hacking, hardware wallets store private keys offline, providing an additional layer of security.

This physical separation makes it significantly harder for malicious actors to access the stored cryptocurrencies.

Ledger Hardware Wallet

Pascal Gauthier, CEO of Ledger, emphasizes the necessity of secure storage solutions in the rapidly evolving digital currency landscape. According to Gauthier, as cryptocurrencies become more mainstream, the sophistication of cyber-attacks also increases, necessitating robust security measures to protect users' assets.

This perspective has driven Ledger to continuously innovate and enhance the security features of their products.

The Role of Secure Elements

At the heart of Ledger's security strategy is the use of secure elements—specialized chips designed to safeguard sensitive data. Gauthier explains that a secure element chip is essential for generating and storing private keys, which are critical for accessing and managing cryptocurrencies.

These chips are engineered to resist tampering and unauthorized access, making them a cornerstone of hardware wallet security.The Ledger Flex and Stax devices both utilize these secure element chips, ensuring that users' private keys are not exposed to potential threats.

This approach is distinct from many other wallets that do not incorporate such secure hardware, which Gauthier suggests could leave users vulnerable to attacks. The secure element not only stores private keys but also powers the devices' secure operating system and screen, creating a comprehensive security ecosystem.

The Unique Security Features of Ledger Devices

The Secure Operating System

In addition to the secure element chip, Ledger's devices feature a proprietary secure operating system known as BOLOS (Blockchain Open Ledger Operating System).

This system is designed to operate in conjunction with the secure element, providing a controlled environment where sensitive operations can be performed safely. BOLOS ensures that even if a device is physically compromised, the private keys remain protected within the secure element.

Gauthier notes that the operating system is an often-overlooked aspect of security in hardware wallets. He argues that a secure element chip without a secure operating system is insufficient, as vulnerabilities in the software could still be exploited. BOLOS mitigates these risks by creating a secure boundary around the key operations, such as signing transactions and managing private keys.

Secure Touchscreens: A Key Differentiator

One of the standout features of the Ledger Flex and Stax is their secure touchscreen technology. According to Gauthier, these devices feature the only secure touchscreens in the world, powered by the secure element chip. This is a significant advancement, as traditional touchscreens on mobile devices and other hardware wallets are not typically designed with the same level of security.

The secure touchscreen allows users to interact with their wallets in a more intuitive and secure manner. For instance, when confirming a transaction, the details are displayed on the secure screen, ensuring that users can verify the transaction information before approving it. This prevents potential attacks where an attacker might try to manipulate transaction details that are not visible on a secure display.

Gauthier emphasizes that this feature sets Ledger's products apart from others on the market, which may not provide the same level of security. By integrating the touchscreen with the secure element, Ledger ensures that all critical interactions are protected, providing users with peace of mind.

The Convenience of Passwordless Logins and NFC

Ledger Security Key: Enhancing User Experience

In addition to robust security features, the Ledger Flex and Stax offer a more convenient user experience through the Ledger Security Key feature. This feature utilizes near-field communication (NFC) technology to enable passwordless logins and two-factor authentication (2FA).

According to Gauthier, this capability is aligned with the open Fast IDentity Online (FIDO) 2 standard, which is already compatible with major platforms like Google, Amazon, Binance, and Coinbase.

The Ledger Security Key allows users to authenticate their identities simply by tapping their Ledger device against their phone or connecting it via USB to their computer.

This eliminates the need for passwords, which are often a weak link in cybersecurity due to poor password management practices. By leveraging the FIDO 2 standard, Ledger ensures that users can securely access their accounts without compromising convenience.

Decentralized Access Across Platforms

The adoption of the FIDO 2 standard also promotes decentralized access across different platforms. This means that users can use their Ledger device to log into various services without being tied to a single provider's authentication system.

Gauthier highlights that this approach aligns with the broader ethos of decentralization in the cryptocurrency space, providing users with greater control over their digital identities.

Moreover, the passwordless login feature reduces the risk of phishing attacks, where attackers attempt to steal login credentials. By eliminating the need for traditional passwords, Ledger devices mitigate the risks associated with password reuse and phishing, further enhancing the security of user accounts.

Affordability and Accessibility of Ledger Devices

Pricing and Availability

While Ledger's products are known for their advanced security features, the company also aims to make these technologies accessible to a broad audience. The Ledger Flex, priced at $249, offers a more affordable option compared to the $399 Ledger Stax.

This pricing strategy reflects Ledger's commitment to providing high-quality security solutions at various price points, catering to different segments of the market.

Gauthier notes that by offering a range of products, Ledger can meet the diverse needs of cryptocurrency users, from casual investors to those with significant digital asset holdings. The Ledger Flex, with its secure touchscreen and advanced security features, provides a compelling option for users seeking both security and usability.

Distribution Channels

To enhance accessibility, Ledger has made its products available through multiple distribution channels. In addition to being sold on Ledger's official website, the Ledger Flex and Stax are also available at Best Buy stores across the United States. This retail presence helps raise awareness of hardware wallet security and makes it easier for consumers to purchase these devices.

Gauthier emphasizes that expanding retail availability is part of Ledger's broader strategy to educate consumers about the importance of secure storage solutions. By making their products more accessible, Ledger aims to empower more users to take control of their digital assets and protect them from potential threats.


Ledger's commitment to security and innovation is evident in the design and features of the Ledger Flex and Stax devices. Through the integration of secure element chips, a proprietary secure operating system, and unique secure touchscreen technology, Ledger sets a high standard for hardware wallet security. The introduction of passwordless logins and NFC functionality further enhances the user experience, making these devices not only secure but also convenient to use.

As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, the importance of secure storage solutions cannot be overstated. Ledger's products, backed by the expertise of CEO Pascal Gauthier, provide a robust defense against the growing sophistication of cyber threats. By offering accessible and affordable options, Ledger is helping to democratize access to secure hardware wallets, ensuring that more users can safeguard their digital assets.


  1. Ledger Launches Ledger Flex Wallet
  2. Ledger Stax: A New Standard in Wallet Security

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