The Girl
The little girl who was traveling in the train looked at her mother and was just as excited. 'Tell you the last thing. Stop whining and tell me what happened.'
'That man's nose is red and so big.' The girl said loud enough for the passengers in the two neighboring coaches to hear.
This is why children are called innocent and sweet. If they are properly trained, they do things that would make you proud. Otherwise, they can force you to look down when you don't want them.
'From the time your baby is born,' a counselor said, 'you teach him good manners and good habits and good values. Because many children have been born because of not knowing this. They don't know how to treat anyone. They disrespect elders.
It is better not to imagine what lights such children will light when they grow up. '
The philosopher who said this was none other than Socrates. He wrote these words 399 BC. I don't think the situation is much different today. In this book I have emphasized the importance of teaching children good manners. This book explains the situation and how we should behave in such a situation from a positive and socially acceptable point of view.
In general, the acquisition of good habits and proper practices increases one's self-confidence; But it is not only knowing how to do something, but also understanding how to use all these things in the right way and at the right time. For that is necessary. Every day gives us an opportunity to practice the good manners and manners we have. So give your child a chance to mix in a good and appropriate environment to absorb it. Mastery of anything in one night
Always remember that if not attainable, it can be gradually increased. This book has everything you need as a guide to creating good habits. This is just a guide. Many events and happenings are fixed in that way according to the situation
We have to decide what is right and what is wrong.she The alarm I had brought was worn on my head. It looked a little brighter than usual. I remembered the old days. she asked "How do I look?"B“Beautiful, very beautiful.” “As much as your girlfriend.” "Shh! She's even prettier than you." "Yes? Then we must see her. Let's see how your choice is." She turned and went to sleep in. I fell on the bed.BThe next day at half past eight in the morning the phone rang. Madhav took it and said 'hello' handing the phone to meb"Your phone. It belongs to some lady." I picked up the phone and started a bit louder. “Hello...yes...yes...speak. Remember me this morning? so yes in the evening? what time Where are you? Near the metro? But everyone is at home. How is that possible ok...yeah...yeah...i'm coming..." So put the phone down. Everyone started looking at me strangely. I told them that I will come home late. "Dad, this girlfriend thing of yours is just getting worse." Madhavi said. "Did something bother you?" I.
Everyone went to their own industry. I took a bath. Somehow ate two pieces of grass and went to the office after getting dressed. On the way, he deliberately sprayed himself with the spray. Mrs. She kept looking at me. She did not know what to say and what to do. As planned, I came home late at night. The atmosphere seemed to be a bit tight again. Mrs. washed her hands and feet and did not eat dinner. Told tob"He must have been out with her." "Yes. What do you mean?" I went inside saying this. It went like this for a while. Meanwhile, Madhav and Madhavi came from outside. As soon as she came in, Mrs. No. Told them something. All three were talking to each other for a long time. Very softly. Then something was decided between them. Everyone came in to see what I was doing. I was reading the paper very quietly. He was wondering who should start. I finally asked. "Do you want to talk?" Mrs. No. Advised Madhavi. Because Madhavi is my love. She was sure that I wouldn't say anything to her. Madhavi started "Dad, we have something to tell you feel." "Which one?"
"That means... you should invite your girlfriend over one day." “So we can see her too and Can talk a little. That will be the recognition. Isn't it?"
I said "Good idea. But what if she comes home and you insult her?" "No...we won't do that at all. Word We give." "Okay. Ask her first. When It's time. Then decide.” "Then consider calling her now." Madhavi was in a hurry. She thought that she would see him once. I understood. "Hey son, what's the rush? I'll see her tomorrow and ask."
Next day evening I came home from office. Everyone was waiting for me. Madhavi asked eagerly.B"What did your girlfriend say?" "She said I will come to your house... next Sunday... but she has one condition." "Which one?" "She said that I will come only if your missus is not in the house. Do not meet the children during this time And this should not be understood by anyone except your household." "Will do. Let mother see first. That day We will go out.” Monday passed, Tuesday passed, everyone knew when Sunday came. I was late twice that week. But no one thought anything of it. Because my girlfriend was so sorry to see. And once Sunday dawned. The morning passed. It was afternoon. Tea is done. Madhuri asked "Which saree shall I wear? And yes, what shall we do for food?" "Che! Don't do anything without food. Yes, if you call it a sari now, wear it a pink dress and a matching blouse. Also wear a gajra. If you can, apply a light lipstick to your lips. It was evening. We all covered the house as much as we could. Mrs. got ready. Then the phone rang. "Hello... yes yes talking.... remember.... come... leave soon..." "Whose phone was that?" Madhav asked. "My girlfriend... is coming in half an hour... again she remembered Atti..." Madhav and Madhavin looked at each other. Then both got dressed and came out. I gave them Rs. 100 and said - "Too late." No... until nine o'clock Even if you come, it will work."
Madhuri's life began to deteriorate. The same yerzara started eating here and there in the house. A kind of tension was visible on the face. once me said, laughed “Hey, come to the gate at least.” I said “don't worry about it. It is from Mumbai She.” She went back to the house to swallow. I went to the door and soon came inside. La said, “She came. Now you just do one thing. Stand with your eyes closed. When she comes in, I will make you stand before her. Then open your eyes as soon as I say 'open your eyes'. So your eyes will fall on her first. Got it?” Mrs. I don't know why I am saying this. But at that moment she was ready to accept anything from me. She stood with her eyes closed. I opened the door. 'Come on, how late?' Saying this, the girlfriend was taken inside. Then Mrs. held it and stood it in front of her. A few moments passed like that. Mrs. Curiosity peaked. Then slowly told in her ear. 'Open eyes' She opened her eyes and looked ahead... and stared, speechless. Amazed, awestruck. She could not believe her eyes.
Because a woman in her forties was standing in front of her with two humps in both her arms. Mrs. became serious. Looking at her with wide eyes, she forgot herself. Finally I shook her and brought her to consciousness. "Madhuri, the one you wanted to see for so girlfriend..." said the girlfriend "Yes, Vahini, I want to see her girlfriend. Everyone is ready to go to their boyfriend's house. I am almost on three legs. Come. Look. See as much as you want." Then she shook her shoulder. Brought to consciousness. behind turned and said, "Boyfriend, do you look like a madman? Are you going to tell me to sit or not? Just give me your hand..." I reached forward and gently grabbed her dick and discretely took out a hook and placed it in the corner. Later she Mrs. looked at "The Channel... Kinda" She is about to say something. It went ahead and removed the other crutch. We both gently made her sit on the chair. She wiped the sweat on her forehead. Arranged the saree and said smiling looking at us To sit without anyone's support. But standing requires support. Vahini, are you surprised to see that his girlfriend is lame? Of course it is. Because as soon as you say girlfriend, a different woman will stand in front of your eyes. What will you do? It's all part of luck. How long will it take to happen?" Mrs. No. He shook his head. 'True' seemed to convince her in her mind. "You must be wondering how your husband became friends with a lame woman like me?" Unknowingly Ms. His eyes went to her. But nothing did not speak “Ah, one day I was passing through Girgaon. The road was very crowded. I was shocked by someone. Then he came and caught me before I fell. I read as I fell. Since then we became friends. yes friend Because in his eyes I saw a friendship that was clean, honest, sincere. There is no desire in it. I feel lucky to have such a friend. We became true friends from that occasion.” Mrs. Everything was unexpected. The picture she had painted about her girlfriend had changed. She was heartbroken. She just sat looking at her feet. "But this..." she asked, pointing to her feet. The girlfriend slightly raised the saree and Mrs. Showed There was only one leg. He was also lifeless and had no other address. "That's it, isn't it? It's a big story. Even the night before it happened, I had no idea that something like this would happen to me." She stopped for a moment and said with a sigh, "We say it should be like this, it should be like that, it shouldn't happen, it shouldn't happen like that. But who knows what destiny has in mind? Its math is different. All this happened because of an earthquake in our village. 7/8 years ago a very big earthquake happened in our village. The whole village was destroyed in it. Hundreds of lives were destroyed. I don't know how many people died. Many houses collapsed like a house made of leaves. Our house also fell in it. Gold coins were lost in this earthquake. But even that was less because my husband and two little ones The children were also taken away. I had a son and a daughter and... and my legs were also gone. Ho Vahini..." She held down the dowry that had come. Then recovered after some time. We don't know what to say. I just sat there numb.
"Such is the life of a man. He lives in the world on dreams. I too painted many dreams of my life. The company of a householder, a husband and children, Daughter-in-law, grandson one no two. But the Lord had something else in mind. Now I live trying to forget it all... Let it go. Give me some water..." Mrs. Got up and went inside. I also followed her and came out after a while. "Did you ask me to make tea? I thought so me.” I laughed. To change the subject, I simply asked her - "How did you feel about my house?" As it is a bit old and worn…" "Hey boyfriend, a house is supposed to be a house. This house is his and this house is yours alone? It's your sister-in-law's, your two nephews' too." Mrs. No. Brought tea and poha. Without any hesitation, she took the bowl of poha in her hand and started eating slowly. In fact, she was not paying attention to food. I put the tea cup on the side table. To say something Mrs. Asked no “So after all that how did you come here – I mean Mumbai?” "What do you mean? What is the lack of good people in the society? It's just that we don't see it. At that time I was vulnerable, helpless, there was no one for me. Then a man like this gave me a helping hand. God came in his form. He considered me as a sister. Because his only sister died in the earthquake. He brought me here at his own expense. He took care of me for a few days, got me a job and gave me the strength to stand on my two legs. He was a great man." "Was it?" Mrs. He asked without stopping "It was, it was. Now it is not...." The swim was over. Soon Mrs. took the plate in his hand. I gave her tea. She said taking the cup in her hands "We always say that no one belongs to anyone in this world. But sometime along the path of life, someone meets and becomes ours. Like this one met me. This society has done me a lot. It has given me a lot. It has given me the will and courage to survive. . That's why I am still surviving. It is not possible for me to repay it in this life. In fact, every person has to give something to the society. Even if I say to give, how will I give? Because I have no legs and hands are limited. So benefactors. I have given my neck to society." She continued with a sigh
“Sometimes she goes to the temple and sings. Performs kirtan occasionally. I have only that much left to give to the society. Some at home are called Then goes to their house. If it's a long way home, she takes my boyfriend with her as a companion, and if anyone gives anything, she donates it to a disabled organization." She started crying. Her story touched us deeply. Mrs. No moved his hand from her back. At that time, pretending to remember something, she put her hand in the bag and took out two biscuits and gave them to Mrs. Handing it to said, "Give this food to your sparrows on my behalf. Say, Baba's girlfriend has given it. Tell them that Baba's girlfriend is not beautiful, not educated, not rich. But she loves you very much. Are you surprised to hear my condition? There is a reason. .They are at an age to garden happily, laugh, play, dream rosy dreams and most importantly have a girlfriend or boyfriend. If they had seen me, their perception of girlfriends would have changed. Both would have been upset. Vahini, this is your husband, my boyfriend about you. He is saying a lot. He loves you a lot. A mother's affection, a sister's love, a daughter's stubbornness and a friend's friendship are all summed up in the name 'wife'. It takes a lot of luck to get a wife like you..." “And to have a girlfriend like you Also…”
Mrs. His voice was hoarse. The eyes were slightly watery. A few moments passed like that. Mrs. what to Guess who knows? She bent down to greet her girlfriend. "No... No channel... I am not big enough for you to salute me. I am not even that worthy. If you want to salute me, do it to my boyfriend... For this is like a banyan tree that rests the weary travelers under its head and gives strength to the onward journey. is great.”
Mrs. No looked at me and showed in action what could not be expressed in words. She held my hand and put her head on my shoulder and started crying. I patted her gently. Then I looked at my girlfriend and said, "If you don't say no, one thing for you Tell me?” "Speak?" "Sing a song. Girlfriend smiled. In fact, I did not understand whether she laughed or cried. She closed her eyes and started singing in a low voice. "He who has no world has God That is the weight of the baseless sky."