Chat GPT's Censorship Vs. GPT4

2 Jun 2023

Ok everyone I'm back for more šŸ˜šŸ‘¾šŸ¦Ž

So this was interesting to me, I wonder if this peaks your interest too.

 Ok so after reading this article I've linked, I personally think Obie Fernandez is a South Park genius and even cooler guy for even thinking of using an AI to create another South Park game and went as far as too try this whole theory in real time by chatting with this AI or ChatGPT and too try the same theory with GPT4.

I want you too really stop and think for a minute what humanities future in the technological era we're in will be. I will say however I was surprised at the vast difference between the two (ChatGPT and GPT4) in how they behave when given commands or overriding a code.

ChatGPT will not follow an override code or any 'tweaking' of any kind. In fact the AI will refuse to do so by repeating the original code over and over instead of taking the commands given. ChatGPT acts as though Your codes don't exist or as though you didn't just spend 30 mins or longer trying to use them in the first place. Very frustrating after such time is spent !

GPT4 can however use codes that it is given or follow direct commands written into its code. This then made the gaming process seamless, but gave me a question. Wouldn't letting AI create our games or game plots take the authentic gaming experience away?

I certainly think it might, especially if you're taking the entire element of human creativity out of the making of the game in the first place. I don't know about you guys, but when Skyrim from Bethesda came out I was stoked. Why was I so stoked for this game along with millions of others ? Well that's simple, Bethesda was and is a very well known gaming company full of very creative and intelligent people. These People all work and worked hard on All of there projects and we know as the game users that it will no doubt blow us away. So yes, I do ultimately wonder if letting AI make and create our games if they would ever truly feel the same.

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