The Beginning And The Death

26 Jan 2024

I remember what it was like at the beginning
When the mere sight of you made my heart flutter
When the sound of your voice sent ripples of goosebumps around my body
When you could do no wrong by me
When all I wanted was you close to me

I remember what it felt like
The rush, the exhilarating impulsive force of hormones
The twinkling of cells and molecules
The palpitation of heart and shortness of breath
The rest that followed at the mere glimpse of your bosom

But now we are far from the beginning
We have taken billions of steps from when we started
And the rusty dysfunction that comes with time is upon us
Waging a war against our bond with its ally, life
Their catapults of war, bombarding our every attachment

We put up all our defenses
Using every weapon in our arsenal, every tactic we had learned
But they were not enough, not even close
We did not stand a chance
For life and time are the death of love

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