Champions Tactics

2 Nov 2023


Even though the Bear market has seen a steep drop in institutional investment in WEB3, one of the sectors that has kept receiving lots of funding is WEB3 Gaming. Which means that there is still lots of interest in bringing the Blockchain to the Gaming world. On the other hand most gamers seem to hate the idea of it happening. Obvoiusly, right now it's still really hard to see how it will happen. The most obvious thing are NFTs rapresenting characters or objects in a game, but also exploring the idea of a token or more in a game can make sense. Altough, the problem with the token is the extreme volatility that comes with it, which wouldn't gurantee a smooth experience.
But even when it comes to NFTs there are considerable difficulties. In fact, right now at least, they can't really exist in a decentralized way. To be able to use NFTs, extremely scalable blockchains are needed, especially if we suppose that at some point they're going to be used in a succesfull game. This, in my opinion, requires a chain dedicated to a specific game or at most a series of games, therefore a chain that has to be more centralized (more or less based on the specific case). If you remember in the previous article I wrote, I had already mentioned the game I'm going to talk about today and I also talked about how Cosmos based chains are ideal for Gaming chains: . At the same time, this centralization, allows us to use the advantages of the blockchain, many gamers don't seem to like this, but I'm of the opinion that once implemented in the right way, people will notice how it greatly improves videogames ( or at least some, not all genres need it). That said, I won't dwell on all the technical aspects, all you need to know is that the game I'm about to talk about, utilizes a specific chain for it. A chain that depends on the security of the main chain, Oasys, I leave you their Twitter if you want to dive deeper: . Before talking about the game itself, let's briefly look at the situation of WEB3 Gaming. Besides the fact that most of them are bad copies of already existing WEB2 Games. Which means that there can only be two types of games that can show the benefits of NFTs. A completely innovative game that uses NFTs, like Fortnite was when it came out, for example. Of this type there isn't any, nor is the case for the game in this article. The other option is to use them in games where they have a logical sense, of this type there are a few. But to this day none of them were of a genre that I enjoyed. Champions Tactics is, which is why I'm writing this article.


First of all Champions Tactics is a game developed by Ubisoft, whom have been making lots of investment in WEB3, especially in chains that they believe are good for Gaming. They also had launched a NFT collection for their game Ghost Recon Breakpoint on the Tezos Blockchain: . One of those chains is the before mentioned Oasys, on top of which they will launch their dependent chain. On this chain they will then deploy the NFTs needed for playing Champions Tactics. Unlike with the NFTs on Tezos, this time Ubisoft adopted a more stealth approach, in fact the game didn't appear on any of their official channels and you can't even find it on their upcoming games list in their website. Even though this tactic may seem questionable, it may reaveal itself to be the winning one. Allowing them to launch the game in a more relaxed way, show the quality of it slowly and by taking their time to make improvements, thus avoiding big criticism. If this will end up working, it may lead the other big publishers interested in WEB3 (SEGA, Square Enix...) in doing the same. That said, lets take a look at what we're talking about, it's a PVP Tactical RPG. Where we have to assemble a team of "mythical Champions", engage in thrilling tactical battles against other players and discover the legends of the dark and mystical world of Grimoria. "Mythical Champions" are magical playable figurines in the dark world of Grimoria, each one of them comes with a unique look and skillset. Your goal is to assemble a squad of three of them, and strategically employ their skills based on your opponent's line up and actions.


Needless to say that this is a genre that adapts itself very well to blockchain technology and especially NFTs. But, as you will have definetely noticed from the description I made of it, mostly taken from their website, all of it can mean everything and nothing. Will this be a well characterized game with a great plot behind it, or will it be an addition to the, already many, soulless WEB3 Games?
Only time will tell, but it's definetely great to see big Gaming publishers involved in creating on the blockchain. Of course this benefits them economically, but it also brings benefits to the players, and sooner or later they will find out.
If you want to learn more and get involved in the development of the game, you can find all the links needed here:


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