Why Do Women Gain Weight as They Age?

8 Jan 2024

By reading the article we have prepared for women who ask why we gain weight as we get older, you will remove all the question marks in your mind. By reading the article, you can also get an idea to avoid gaining weight as you get older.

1. Hormonal Imbalance Hormonal imbalance is the most obvious reason why women start to gain weight after the age of 40. This is the stage of menopause, when the ovaries reduce estrogen production. With reduced estrogen, the body retains more fat to maintain hormonal balance. This causes weight gain.

2. Decreased Progesterone When women go through menopause, the body reduces its production of progesterone. The decrease in progesterone causes your body to fatten faster.

3. Increased Appetite As you get older, your appetite and hunger will increase due to changes in your hormone levels. This will cause you to eat more than usual and weight gain is inevitable.

4. The effect of aging As aging increases, metabolism slows down. Every woman will face this problem. When metabolism slows down, your body burns fewer calories and fat accumulates on your waist.

5. Insulin Resistance After the age of 40, if you consume white sugar and processed foods, your body cells will become resistant to insulin. This causes your body to store fat, which leads to weight gain. Insulin resistance is also dangerous because it leads to diabetes.

6. Stress Women have to cope more with stress when they are in their 40s. They often worry about their children, their retirement or their health. When you are stressed, your adrenal glands produce cortisol to relieve the stress. Unfortunately, cortisol prevents you from losing weight, so your efforts to lose weight at this age are often in vain.

7. Your Body Composition Just being a woman is one of the main reasons for losing weight after 40. Women who are about to enter menopause lose muscle but retain body fat. In the beginning you notice no difference in your weight, but as the body loses more muscle mass, the basal metabolism slows down and you start to get fat all over your body, which causes you to gain weight.

8. Lack of Physical Activity Once most women cross the age of 40, they are no longer exposed to intense physical activity that can help them burn calories and reduce body fat. Due to the lack of low-intensity physical activity, women gain weight like never before.

9. Poor Eating Habits As we have already mentioned, when women cross the age of 40, their lives become more complicated. This is caused by various worries about life. Under stress, many women forget to eat regularly and don't pay attention to what they eat. As a result, women over-consume harmful foods that cause them to gain weight in the blink of an eye in their later years.

10. Medications Many women face various health problems after the age of 40 and start taking prescription drugs. There are some types of medication that cause people to gain weight. These include antidepressants and cysticercoids.

These are 10 of the most important reasons why women gain weight after the age of 40, when they get older. Take care of your health. Otherwise, you may resort to various methods such as facelift surgery. Do not let this become necessary.

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