NEAR Protocol (NEAR) Nedir? WHAT IS NEAR ?

5 Feb 2024

Hello everyone,
Near (NEAR) protokolü, topluluk tarafından çalıştırılan bir bulut hesaplama platformu olarak kavramsallaştırılan, akıllı sözleşme özellikli, halka açık bir blok zincirdir. NEAR Collective (NEAR Kolektifi) tarafından oluşturulan NEAR, üzerinde merkeziyetsiz uygulamalar (dApp) oluşturulabilecek şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Bu açıdan bir Ethereum (ETH)rakibi sayılabilir.NEAR protokolü, geliştirici ve kullanıcı dostu bir platform oluşturmaya odaklanmıştır. Bu amaçla NEAR, yalnızca kriptografik cüzdan adreslerinin aksine insanlar tarafından okunabilir hesap adları getirmiştir. Ayrıca NEAR protokolü ile yeni kullanıcılar, bir cüzdana ihtiyaç duymadan dApp’ler ve akıllı sözleşmelerile etkileşime girebilir.NEAR üzerinde oluşturulan önemli projelere örnek olarak NFT mintleme platformu Mintbase ve geliştiricilerin varlıklara, emtialara, gerçek dünya olaylarına ve daha fazlasına dayalı piyasalar oluşturmasına olanak tanıyan Flux protokolü verilebilir.

Smart Contract

Smart contract yani Türkçe karşılığı ile akıllı sözleşme, otomatik bir şekilde kendi kendini gerçekleştiren bir sözleşme olarak tasarlanmış bir bilgisayar yazılımıdır. Önceden belirlenmiş koşulların yerine getirilmesi durumunda belirli bir eylemi gerçekleştirirler. Akıllı sözleşmeler, örneğin, iki taraf arasında kripto para birimlerinin değişimine aracılık eden dijital sözleşmeler olarak kullanılabilir. Anlaşmanın şartları belirlendikten sonra, akıllı sözleşme bunların yerine getirildiğini doğrular ve varlıklar uygun şekilde dağıtılır.Akıllı sözleşmeler her ne kadar Blokzinciri ve kripto para birimleri dünyasında popüler olsada, kavram ilk olarak 1994 yılında, Bitcoin'in yaratılmasından yıllar önce Amerikalı kriptograf Nick Szabo tarafından tanımlanmıştır. Smart contract en basit tanımı ile belirli koşullar karşılandığında belirli bir işlevi yerine getiren kod satırlarıdır. Bu kod satırları genellikle önceden belirlenmiş ve öngörülebilir eylemleri tetiklemektedir. Merkezi bir otoriteye, yasal sisteme veya harici yaptırım mekanizmasına ihtiyaç duymadan farklı, anonim taraflar arasında güvenilir işlemlerin ve anlaşmaların yürütülmesine izin vermektedir.Alıcı ve satıcı arasındaki sözleşme şartlarının doğrudan kod satırlarına yazıldığı, kendi kendini yürüten bir sözleşme türü olan akıllı sözleşmelerde kod ve içerdiği anlaşmalar, dağıtılmış ve merkezi olmayan bir Blokzinciri ağında bulunur. Kod yürütmeyi kontrol eder ve işlemler hem izlenebilirdir hem de geri alınamazdır.Örneğin çevrimiçi bir mağaza, "ödeme alınırsa ürünlerin teslim edilmesini" garanti eden akıllı bir sözleşme kullanabilir. Bu da tüm süreci daha verimli hale getirir ve insan hatalarından kaynaklı zararı en aza indirir.Akıllı sözleşmeler, blockchain alanında ve kripto para piyasalarında büyük bir rol oynarlar. Özelliklede Ethereum ağında bulunan ERC-20 token standardını kullanan tokenler akıllı sözleşmelerden fazlasıyla yararlanırlar . Bu tokenler genellikle Initial Coin Offering (ICO) etkinlikleri aracılığıyla dağıtılır ve akıllı sözleşmelerin kullanılması sayesinde, satışlar sırasında güvenilir ve uygun maliyetli bir para alışverişi sağlanır. Akıllı sözleşmelerin kullanımı, merkezi olmayan uygulamalar (DApps) veya merkezi olmayan borsalar (DEX) için ödeme işlemlerini de kolaylaştırabilir.Akıllı sözleşmelerin uygun olduğu bir başka alan da finansal hizmetler endüstrisidir. Örneğin, akıllı sözleşme teknolojisi, alım satımların takas ve mutabakatını, tahvil kuponlarının ödenmesini ve hatta sigorta taleplerinin hesaplanmasını ve ödenmesini otomatikleştirmek için kullanılabilir.Finans alanında bariz bir şekilde uygulanmalarının yanı sıra, akıllı sözleşmeler, veri transferi gerektiren her sektörde kullanılabilirler. Örneğin, ekipman kiralama endüstrisi, kira sözleşmelerini daha verimli hale getirmek için akıllı sözleşmeleri aktif olarak kullanmaktadır.

Akıllı Sözleşmelerin Çalışma Prensibi

Akıllı sözleşmeler ilk olarak 1994 yılında, Bitcoin'in icadından tam 10 yıl önce, 1998'de "Bit Gold" adlı sanal bir para birimini icat eden Amerikalı bilgisayar bilimcisi Nick Szabo tarafından önerilmiştir. Szabo bu söylentiye inkar etse de Bitcoin'in isimsiz mucidi olan gerçek Satoshi Nakamoto olduğu söylenmektedir. Nick Szabo, bir sözleşmenin şartlarını yerine getiren bilgisayarlı işlem protokolleri olarak tanımladığı akıllı sözleşmeler ile POS gibi elektronik işlem yöntemlerinin kullanılabilirliğini dijital alana doğru genişletmek istemiştir. Szabo konuyla ilgili yazdığı makalesinde, türevler ve tahviller gibi sentetik varlıklar için de sözleşme türleri önermiştir. Akıllı sözleşme teknolojileri, sağlık sektöründeki klinik çalışmalarda veri manipülasyonuna karşı bir önlem olarak araştırılmaktadır. Akıllı sözleşmeler, paylaşılan mülkiyet haklarının kesin bir kaydını oluşturarak ve fikri mülkiyet parçalarından elde edilen tüm telif haklarını ve kazançları buna göre tahsis ederek fikri mülkiyet sözleşmelerini uygulamak için bile kullanılabilmektedir. 

  • Akıllı Sözleşme (Smart Contract) Nedir?

  • Kripto paralarla ilgilenenler “akıllı sözleşme” terimi ile sıkça karşılaşmıştır. Smart contract olarak da anılan akıllı sözleşmeler, kendi kendini gerçekleştiren bir sözleşme olarak tasarlanmış bilgisayar yazılımlarıdır. Bu yazılımlar, önceden belirlenen koşulların sağlanması durumunda yine önceden belirlenmiş olan eylemi yerine getirirler.
  • Akıllı Sözleşmeler Nasıl Çalışır?
  • Tıpkı geleneksel sözleşmeler gibi, akıllı sözleşmeler de iki veya daha fazla taraf arasında gerçekleşen ve bir tarafın diğerine değerli bir şey teklif ettiği sözleşmelerdir. Smart contractın geleneksel sözleşmeden farkı ise smart contractın, sözleşmenin şartlarını yerine getiren kendi kendini yürüten kod olmasıdır. Bu kod, bir Blokzincir’deki bir adrese işlem olarak gönderilir ve burada o Blokzincir’in fikir birliği mekanizması tarafından doğrulanır. Bu işlem bir bloğa dahil edildiğinde, akıllı sözleşme başlatılır ve geri döndürlemez.

NEAR token projesi

NEAR protokolünün yerel kripto parabirimi NEAR tokendır. Ağdaki işlem ücretleri ve depolama ödemeleri NEAR token ile ödenir. NEAR token, işlem doğrulayıcıları olarak ağ konsensüsünün sağlanmasına katılan token sahipleri tarafından stake de edilebilir. Bu işlem doğrulayıcıları, hizmetleri için yıllık bazda toplam NEAR arzının yüzde 4,5'ine tekabül eden bir NEAR token ödülü alır.
Ayrıca, akıllı sözleşmelerin yarattığı işlem ücretlerinin bir kısmı da ilgili akıllı sözleşmeyi oluşturan geliştiriciye verilir.

Near (NEAR) projesinin kurucuları kimlerdir?

Near (NEAR), 2018’de, eski Microsoft çalışanı Alexander Skidanov ile geliştirici Ilya Polosukhin tarafından yaratıldı. 2018’den beri NEAR ekibi Facebook, Google, Niantic gibi şirketlerden geliştiricilerin katılımıyla yaklaşık 50 kişi oldu.
NEAR ekibinin neredeyse tüm üyeleri Rusya ve eski Sovyet ülkelerinden isimlerden oluşmaktadır.
NEAR token istatistikleri
NEAR token, 22 Nisan 2020’de piyasaya çıkmıştır. Maksimum arzı NEAR token olan NEAR, şu şekilde dağıtılmaktadır:

  • %17,6: Finansörler
  • %17,2: Topluluk Hibe Programları
  • %14: Çekirdek Katkı Sunanlar
  • %12: Topluluk Satışı
  • %11,7: Erken Ekosistem
  • %11,4: Operasyon Hibeleri
  • %10: Vakıf Bağışı
  • %6,1: Küçük Finansörler

Near (NEAR) projesini özel yapan nedir?

Son dönemde merkeziyetsiz uygulamalar büyük popülerlik kazandı. Ancak bu durum, kripto para dünyasındaki ölçeklenme sorununun da artmasına neden oldu. Özellikle Ethereum (ETH), kullanımının hızla artmasıyla bu sorunu ciddi biçimde yaşamaya başladı. Buna karşı ETH içinde çeşitli çözümler getirilse de NEAR gibi projeler tamamen yeni mimarilerle yepyeni blok zincirleri oluşturmaya karar verdi.
Near (NEAR) protokolü, blok zincirleri önemli ölçüde etkileyen bu ölçeklenebilirlik sorununa çözüm olarak parçalama (sharding) mekanizmasını uygulamaktadır. Parçalama, ağı parçalara bölerek veya bölümlere ayırarak düğümler üzerindeki hesaplama yükünü azaltır.
NEAR, Hisse Kanıtı (Proof-of-Stake - PoS) fikir birliği algoritmasını kendine özgü biçimde kullanır. Çağ olarak adlandırılan ve yaklaşık olarak her 12 saatte bire tekabül eden bir zaman diliminde doğrulayıcıları seçmek için bir açık artırma sistemi kullanılır. Böylece, daha büyük payları olan, yani daha fazla NEAR token stake eden doğrulayıcılar, fikir birliği sürecinde daha fazla etkiye sahip olur.

Whitepaper: NEAR token

Near (NEAR) whitepaperına buraya tıklayarak erişebilirsiniz.
NEAR token whitepaperında Near protokolü, “sistemlerin tasarlanma, uygulamaların oluşturulma ve internetin çalışma şeklini değiştirme potansiyeline sahip bir merkeziyetsiz uygulama platformu” olarak tanımlanmaktadır.
Near protokolü “basit bir amacı olan karmaşık bir teknolojidir” ve “geliştiricilerin ve girişimcilerin, para ve kimlik gibi yüksek değerli varlıkları güvence altına alırken, bunları tüketicilerin erişebileceği kadar performanslı ve kullanılabilir hale getiren uygulamaları kolayca ve sürdürülebilir bir şekilde oluşturmasını” amaçlamaktadır.

The NEAR White Paper

NEAR is a decentralized application platform with the potential to change how systems are designed, how applications are built and how the web itself works. 
It is a complex technology with a simple goal — allow developers and entrepreneurs to easily and sustainably build applications which secure high value assets like money and identity while making them performant and usable enough for consumers to access.  
To do this, NEAR is built from the ground up to deliver intuitive experiences for end users, scale capacity across millions of devices and provide developers with new and sustainable business models for their applications. In doing so, NEAR is creating the only community-run cloud strong enough to extend the reach of Open Finance and power the future of the Open Web
The following sections will describe the approach NEAR takes to designing and implementing the core technology of its system. Wherever possible, we will use language that is accessible and we will describe relevant sections starting from first principles, values and design intent before digging into their technical implementation. Additional depth on technical topics can be found in the relevant topic-specific papers and blog posts.
It must be noted that, as with all complex systems under active development, the contents of this guide and the technology they explain are both subject to change. In fact, one of the hallmarks of the NEAR approach is rapid and pragmatic iteration. The latest information about the protocol can be found in posts on the blog at, live chat channels at and in the reference code base at richness of today’s web emerged from the combined efforts of millions of people taking advantage of “permissionless innovation” — the ability to create content and applications without asking anyone first. Unfortunately, the lack of freedom for data has resulted in an environment which is actively adversarial to the interests of its participants.
A small number of companies have enticed vast numbers of users to join by luring them in with network effects and then captured them by holding their data to prevent them from seeking alternatives. Similarly, these massive platforms have enticed applications to build atop their ecosystems before either cutting off access or actively opposing their interests when the applications became too successful. As a result, these walled gardens have stifled innovation and effectively monopolized vast sections of the web.
In the future, we can fix this by using new technologies to re-enable the permissionless innovation of the past in a way which creates a more open web where users are free and applications are supportive rather than adversarial to their interests.
We have already seen the power of this kind of freedom in the financial sector, where decentralized digital currencies like Bitcoin and their underlying blockchain technology have facilitated billions of dollars of peer-to-peer transfers at a fraction of the price of the traditional banking system. The same underlying technology also allows participants in the $50B+ virtual goods economy to track, take ownership and trade these goods permissionlessly among themselves. It allows real world goods to cross into the digital realm, with verified ownership and tracking just like the digital ones.  
Beyond what we’ve seen today, a web where freedom of data enables permissionless innovation by default will drive a new form of software development. In this web, developers can quickly construct applications from open state components and power their efforts with new business models which are enabled from within the software itself rather than rely on parasitic relationships with their users. This doesn’t just accelerate the creation of applications which have a more honest and collaborative relationship with their users but it also allows for the emergence of entirely new businesses built on top of them.
These new applications and the open web that powers them can only be enabled by the right kind of infrastructure. The platform of the new web cannot be controlled by a single entity nor have its usage limited by insufficient scalability. It must be as decentralized in design as the web itself and supported by a widely distributed community of operators so the value it stores cannot be censored, modified or removed without the permission of the users on whose behalf that value is stored. It should be secure and stable enough to form the backbone of the new economy.
This is the infrastructure of NEAR.
NEAR is a decentralized application platform which is designed to enable the open web of the future and power its economy. It uses the same core underlying technology that made Bitcoin an unkillable currency and combines it with cutting edge advances in community consensus, database sharding and usability. On this web, everything from new currencies to new applications to new industries can be created, opening the door to a brand new future.

Why decentralization matters

On the surface, many of the design goals of a decentralized blockchain-based platform can be accomplished both faster and cheaper by using existing platforms.  
For example, the cost to store data or perform computation on the Ethereum blockchain are between thousands and millions of times higher than the cost of performing the same functions on Amazon’s Web Services. A developer can always build a “centralized” application or even a centralized currency at a fraction of the cost of doing the same on a decentralized platform because the decentralized platform will, by definition, have many redundancies in its processes and storage.
Why is it important to pay the added cost to support decentralization?  
Because not all data is created equal.
Certain elements of value, for example the bits representing ownership of digital currency, personal identity or titles to assets, are highly sensitive. In a centralized system, the following players can all directly change the value of any balances they come into contact with:

  1. The developer who controls the release or update of the application’s code
  2. The platform where the data is stored
  3. The servers which run the application’s code

Even if none of these players intend to operate with bad faith, the actions of governments, police forces and hackers can easily turn their hands against their users and censor, modify or steal the balances they are supposed to protect.
A typical user will trust a typical centralized application, despite its potential vulnerabilities, with everyday data and computation. Typically, only banks and governments are trusted sufficiently to maintain custody of the most sensitive information — balances of wealth and identity. But these entities are also subject to the very human forces of hubris, corruption and theft.
For example, the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 showed the fundamental problems of trusting an over-leveraged banking system. It also provided a timely example of how governments around the world implement substantial capital controls on citizens during times of crisis. Beyond this example, it has become a truism that hackers now likely own most or all of your sensitive data.
By contrast, a fully decentralized system doesn’t have an “off” switch and it doesn’t have a way for nefarious forces to impose their will on the applications built on top of it. To accomplish this, the system requires substantial redundancy in both computation and storage of data because any points of failure in these areas can be exploited. The more sensitive the information being stored, the more redundancy and security is required… and the more decentralization matters.
Blockchain-based systems are the substrate for this decentralization because their immutability provides the primitives — tokens, for example — necessary to incentivize cooperation and coordination among the numerous actors who make up these systems and power their redundancy. Once these systems are launched, they become essentially “unkillable”.
The benefits of building applications on top of such a system are substantial. Not only is highly sensitive information secured and available globally, but currency is now a native primitive of the medium. These decentralized applications operate on a more complex infrastructure than today’s web but they have access to an instantaneous and global pool of currency, value and information that today’s web, where data is stored in the silos of individual corporations, cannot provide. As importantly, the data these apps secure is fully owned and controlled by their end users rather than the apps themselves. This opens up a wealth of new use cases which could not exist without a decentralized infrastructure.
While decentralization is crucially important, not all blockchain-based systems are decentralized. Decentralization is a scale which can be measured along a number of dimensions but, fundamentally, it comes down to how many players in the system must be corrupted in order to break the system itself and how likely that is to occur. The more important the assets the system must protect, the more important it is that true decentralization is achieved rather than a system which merely pays it lip service. Later sections will describe the technical architecture which achieves decentralization for NEAR.

A brief summary of NEAR

NEAR is a decentralized application platform which runs atop the NEAR Protocol blockchain. This blockchain, which runs across hundreds of machines around the world, is organized to be permissionless, performant and secure enough to create a strong and decentralized data layer for the new web.
Essentially, NEAR is a platform for running applications which have access to a shared — and secure — pool of money, identity and data which is owned by their users. More technically, it combines the features of partition-resistant networking, serverless compute and distributed storage into a new kind of platform.
For comparison, Amazon’s Web Services and Microsoft’s Azure operate much of the infrastructure of the web today and are two of the most common “clouds” where applications are deployed. Each of the individual servers which make up these computing and storage clouds are controlled by a single entity. This means that anything run on or stored within them is completely at the mercy of those companies or the government agencies which require them to do things against their will. Data can easily be lost, censored, altered, sold or hacked. This is because there is only a single point of failure.
Applications which are deployed to these cloud servers can also be continuously modified by their original developers or whoever holds their credentials. This makes software updates easy for developers but it also means that any data accessible by an application can be censored, modified or stolen by these same developers, whether at their own direction or because they were hacked or forced by a governmental authority to do so. Because user data is generally stored in large pooled databases, these developers become juicy targets for exactly those activities.
Together, the vulnerability of the developers and the platforms themselves makes any sensitive data stored on these platforms vulnerable.
When the cloud which hosts these applications is instead run by a global community which anyone can be a part of, the programs and assets stored by it become transparent and essentially “unkillable”, allowing users to store meaningful things like money, identity and digital assets and securely transact them with anyone without requiring someone else’s permission or platform. There is no single point of failure because there are multiple redundancies around the world and there is security because of the consensus which is programmatically achieved among community members who make up the cloud network.
To eliminate the vulnerability of the developer, applications deployed to this cloud can be programmatically locked so no further updates can modify the state they access. Essentially, once they achieve this state, they become autonomous and can be trusted to continue to perform their functions without fail or interference. This allows the secure storage of high value assets like money, identity and key pieces of data.
Bitcoin can be thought of as the first, very basic, version of this global community-run cloud, though it is primarily used only to store and move the Bitcoin digital currency.  
Ethereum is the second and slightly more sophisticated version, which expanded the basic principles of Bitcoin to create a more general computing and storage platform, though it is a raw technology which hasn’t achieved meaningful mainstream adoption.  
NEAR represents an evolution beyond what has come before it and is the first decentralized application platform to solve all of the three key challenges to gaining mainstream adoption: usability, scalability, and security.

Challenges of Creating a Community Cloud

A community-run system like this has very different challenges from centralized “cloud” infrastructure which is run by a single entity or group of known entities. For example:

  1. It must be both inclusive to anyone and secure from manipulation or capture.
  2. Participants must be fairly compensated for their work while avoiding creating incentives for negligent or malicious behavior. 
  3. It must be both game theoretically secure so good actors find the right equilibrium and resistant to manipulation so bad actors are actively prevented from negatively affecting the system. 

A free-market-based system is the only way to seamlessly align these incentives and so the NEAR Platform uses a token — also called “NEAR” — to glue it all together. This token allows the users of these cloud resources, regardless of where they are in the world, to fairly compensate the providers of the services and to ensure that these participants operate in good faith.
To remain decentralized, it’s important that a community-run system like this be permissionless, meaning anyone has the opportunity to participate. To ensure this, anonymity is crucial and so revealing a party’s identity is not required. While this provides for decentralization, it also opens up a wide range of misbehavior so all the mechanisms of the system must assume that one individual actor might be controlling a single account or a million accounts. Thus we operate with a principle of “one token equals one vote” to participate and govern the system.
These systems must also balance the need to be robustly decentralized with the reality that technologies and communities must be given the freedom to iterate or risk being rendered obsolete. Thus the long term health of the community requires maintaining a broad degree of decentralization and strong security guarantees in the platform itself while also creating efficient processes for evolving its technology over time.Today’s blockchains have achieved significant progress — Bitcoin, the original blockchain which launched in 2008, is a store of value whose network has been priced at over $300 billion while Ethereum, the original “global computer” which launched in 2014, boasts thousands of innovative applications spanning from gaming to decentralized finance.
Unfortunately, neither these original networks nor any of those which followed have managed to bridge the gap towards mainstream adoption of the applications which are built on top of them nor provide the kind of scale which supports an entire Web.
This is a result of two key factors:

  1. System design
  2. Organization design

System design is relevant because the technical architecture of other platforms creates substantial problems with both usability and scalability which have made adoption nearly impossible by any but the most technical innovators. End-users experience 97-99% dropoff rates when using applications and developers find the process of creating and maintaining their applications endlessly frustrating.
Fixing these problems requires substantial and complex changes to current protocol architectures, something which existing organizations haven’t proven capable of implementing. Instead, they create multi-year backlogs of specification design and implementation which result in their technology falling further and further behind.
NEAR’s platform and organization are architected specifically to solve the above mentioned problems. The technical design is fanatically focused on creating the world’s most usable and scalable decentralized platform so global-scale applications can achieve real adoption. The organization and governance structure are designed to rapidly ship and continuously evolve the protocol so it will never become obsolete.
The following section will highlight the key features which address these problems.

Key Features

Each of the key problems faced by current platforms, their developers and their end-users are addressed below. More information about the specific implementation of these features is left to the following sections of this paper.

Usability First

New blockchain-based platforms generally claim to differentiate themselves based on providing scalability relative to existing platforms. The scalability of a platform isn’t relevant, however, unless the platform has sufficient adoption to require that throughput. As an analogy, it makes no sense to create an enormous stadium that can seat 100,000 people in the middle of the desert where no one wants to go in the first place.
Thus, the more important immediate problem to address is how to allow developers to easily create useful applications that users can actually use and which will capture sustainable value for those developers.
While some changes along these dimensions can be handled in the second layer of the technical stack, the most important ones must be made at the protocol level and cannot be bolted on afterward.

End-User Usability

Developers will only build applications which their end users can actually use. NEAR’s “progressive security” model allows developers to create experiences for their users which more closely resemble familiar web experiences by delaying onboarding, removing the need for user to learn “blockchain” concepts and limiting the number of permission-asking interactions the user must have to use the application.  

  1. Simple Onboarding: NEAR allows developers to take actions on behalf of their users, which allows them to onboard users without requiring these users to provide a wallet or interact with tokens immediately upon reaching an application. Because accounts, which have human-readable names like foobar.near, keep track of application-specific keys, user accounts can also be used for the kind of “Single Sign On” (SSO) functionality that users are familiar with from the traditional web (eg “Login with Facebook/Google/Github/etc”).
  2. Easy Subscriptions: Contract-based accounts allow for easy creation of subscriptions and custom permissioning for particular applications.
  3. Familiar Usage Styles: The NEAR economic model allows developers to pay for usage on behalf of their users in order to hide the costs of infrastructure in a way that is in line with familiar web usage paradigms.
  4. Predictable Pricing: NEAR prices transactions on the platform in simple terms which allow end-users to experience predictable pricing and less cognitive load when using the platform.
Developer Usability

A number of key usability improvements support developers of the platform, allowing them to more easily learn, develop, test and deploy their applications than they can with any other platform.

  1. Familiar Languages: NEAR nodes run Web Assembly (WASM), which can be compiled from a host of popular languages. Initially, smart contracts can be built using Rust, a very secure and comprehensive programming language that is rapidly gaining popularity. NEAR also supports contracts written in AssemblyScript which is very similar to TypeScript, a Microsoft-developed modification of JavaScript that has types and a very broad adoption among developers. In the future, more common programming languages will be supported so developers don’t have to learn an entirely new language to build applications atop the platform.
  2. Robust Tooling: NEAR’s development suite is created to support the developer workflow with a unified set of tools so developers can easily build, test and deploy applications. The tooling on top of the platform and the APIs exposed by it provide developers with the kind of development experience they are used to from traditional web apps. This includes one-click deploy, integrated unit testing, easy front-end integration and debugging from the web browser’s developer console.
  3. Developer Business Models: The NEAR Protocol supports developers by helping them monetize the open components they create for the ecosystem by natively rewarding them with rebates based on the usage of those components. This is addressed specifically in a following section.
  4. Predictable Pricing: NEAR prices transactions on the platform in simple terms which allow the developer to experience predictable pricing and less cognitive load when using the platform.

NEAR token nasıl alınır?

NEAR token güvenilir kripto para borsalarıüzerinden alınıp satılabilir. Türkiye’de, Türk lirası ile Bitlo üzerinden NEAR TRY paritesinde işlem yapmak da mümkündür.

Near (NEAR) Sıkça Sorulan Sorular

Near (NEAR) ne işe yarar?
Near (NEAR) protokolü, geliştiricilerin merkeziyetsiz uygulamalar oluşturması için tasarlanmıştır.
Near (NEAR) ölçeklenebilirlik sorununu nasıl çözer?
Near (NEAR), ölçeklenebilirlik sorununu çözmek için parçalama (sharding) yöntemini uygulamaktadır.
NEAR token ne işe yarar?
NEAR token, Near protokolünün yerel kripto para birimidir. NEAR token ağdaki işlem ücretlerinin ödenmesinde ve staking amacıyla kullanılır. Aynı zamanda sahiplerine yönetişimde söz hakkı verir.

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