Fantastic Fathers Part-2

29 Aug 2022

Papa said, "Can't stop him just because no other girl is going"

Brother had left the station and went back and the coach's concern was also justified. There was some time for the train to arrive or let's say my luck, the train was late, so the coach decided to call my house. As the family members say, the decision will be taken accordingly. Say it by coincidence, early in the morning when the phone rang (there used to be a land line then) Papa picked up the phone. The coach told him the whole thing, Papa kept listening, after a while of silence, Papa's answer was, it is her first tournament and she was very happy, I can't stop her just because no other girl is going. Take it, understand that you are all his seniors, at this time you are his guardian, the only condition is that whenever you get time, keep talking on the phone. That was the day and the day after that Papa became the favorite of the whole team. As promised, everyone really took great care of me.
Papa taught me to be happy even after losing

Well the tournament happened and I lost the final fight due to my own stupidity, that too which I almost won in the second round itself. In the third round, only defending himself had to take time. But do not know what happened, we kept watching and the victory that came in hand went out. We heard the coach's abuses all the way. When I returned, my father had come to the station to pick me up. Told you lost, yet strangely happy. It is said that the game is losing, winning keeps on winning, you have no idea what you have won now. You have learned to walk alone, it will be very useful in future.

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