The "Reptiloid" statues on Nuku-Hiva Island

3 Mar 2023

The "Reptiloid" statues on Nuku-Hiva Island

Located at a place called Temechea-Tohua in the Marquesas Islands depicting strange creatures. They date from the beginning of the 2nd millennium. They are different: there are large, big-mouthed "reptiloids," and there are others: with small torsos and disproportionately large elongated helmeted heads with huge eyes.

One thing they have in common is a malicious expression. Who did our ancestors portray, representatives of another race or guests from other worlds? Maybe these were their spacesuits and they flew safely into s
Very recent news .
The James Webb telescope has discovered galaxies that cannot exist in current cosmological theory.

The new images recorded six supermassive galaxies that formed 500-700 million years after the Big Bang, which is a very early time frame.

It is too early to rewrite the textbooks - astronomers have yet to verify all the findings.

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