Literature Analysis İn Social Sciences

6 Jan 2024

Literature analysis, which is one of the important stages of academic research activity; It has become a research technique that has become more important as a result of factors such as increasing complexity of information sources, simplification of information production, further separation of disciplines and collective evaluation of resources with technology. Purpose of the literature review (theoretical framework or research background); It is to motivate the purpose of the subject studied independently of disciplines, to pose the research question, to understand the hypotheses, to map the field and to evaluate and identify previous research. Literature review must be used effectively in order to be based on a solid foundation, to be consistent in showing evidence, to create theoretical frameworks, to create conceptual models, to determine and correctly evaluate dependent and independent variables. A literature review should be conducted in order to manage time efficiently, avoid repetition on the same or similar topics, recognize deficiencies in the field, and understand the subject of the study and what needs to be done before collecting data and starting the study. Literature review; seeing the boundaries of the subject, understanding theories and problems, seeing which methods and measurement tools are pragmatic, and interpreting the data in a more meaningful way, etc. It provides benefits to the researcher in these matters. In scanning the literature, which is divided into conceptual sources and research reports; It is a necessity to determine the aims of the research, such as what aspects of the subject have been discussed, what developments have been made, what kind of solutions have been brought to the problems and what solutions can be provided to the problem until the time the research is conducted. Data taken from sources should be for a certain purpose, and the methods, limitations, findings, comments and suggestions should be clarified and grouped. The value of an academic review, as in all research; The research conducted depends on the clarity of the data and reporting. However, the method used in literature review varies depending on the purpose of the literature review. Literature review can be done in the form of systematic review, semi-systematic review and integrative review. ‘Systematic literature review; It can be described as a research method and process for identifying and critically evaluating relevant research, as well as collecting and analyzing data from that research… Semi-systematic or narrative review approach; designed for topics that are conceptualized and examined differently by different groups of researchers in different disciplines, precluding a full systematic review process… Integrative or critical review approach; 'to evaluate, criticize and synthesize the literature on a research topic in a way that enables the emergence of new theoretical frameworks and perspectives.' The literature review consists of four basic stages: designing the review, conducting the review, analysis, and writing the review. Literature review is the primary measure of knowledge about the field being studied. It facilitates the preparation of a systematic road map and how to proceed in the field of study. When the basic sources of arguments about the field are known, it is effective in the formation of new ideas, theories, studies and movements.

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