Get a Free Web3 Domain That Matches Your Twitter Handle!
Unstoppable Domains and Trust Wallet have partnered and started a campaign on giving away free (instead of $20) .wallet domain names for your Twittter handles!
What is Unsotppable Domains and what is a Web3 domain?
Unstoppable Domains is a USA based company that connects Web2 to Web3 through the use of blockchain domains. Using an Unstoppable Domain allows you to create a blockchain-connected web address similar to a URL — such as yoninbayashi.crypto or yoninbayashi.wallet. That translates a cryptocurrency wallet’s addresses into a far simpler human-readable name that connects with dApps and exchanges.
How get a free .wallet domain?
First visit the campaign page from the link. Then verify your Twitter account. After you verify your Twitter account you can claim your Web3 domain name with your Twitter handle (yourtwitterhandle.wallet). Finally in order to mint your domain on the blockchain and start using you need to connect your Trust Wallet (Metamask worked for me too) to the website and mint your domain name on Polygon network for free (transaction costs will be paid by you)!