Not Seeing Consciously
Everything is happening transparently, script is revealing itself transparently
They are supporting what they are against of, they are switched off
ο»ΏCleary programmed, artificially programmed
Not seeing it, not feeling it.
Buying it, using it
For celebration, it's a celebration
But missed those details, spiritual details
These details guides, this turn guides.
This system is in place, dividing system in place
Never allow to unite, no aspect exist which unite
Years of division, long lasting division
This division is winning? This division is leading?
They are vocal about spirituality, corrupted spirituality
They are not seeing it, ignoring it
Afraid, they are not saying anything, afraid
This fear is celebrating, no spirituality celebrating.
This is how twisted script of life is prepared for future generations, coming generations
They are not ready to experience this, whatever this is
Collectively this choice will be transferred to next generation, readymade generation
Living confusingly, not seeing consciously.
Pictures are edited in Canva application.