Benifit of plants..

24 May 2022

Trees play a critical role for people and the planet. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the presence of trees and urban nature can improve people's mental and physical health, children's attention and test scores, the property values in a neighborhood, and beyond. Trees cool our urban centers. Trees are essential for healthy communities and people. The benefits that trees provide can help cities and countries meet 15 of the 17 internationally supported United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This critical review provides a comprehensive argument that trees should be considered an important part of the equation by project managers and civic leaders as we collectively work toward reaching these sustainability goals.

It also generate fresh oxigen which can help to live human being. Several species are live through plants... 
Plants balance eco system of earth.. It will  maintain balance of earth stability also year and year. 

At last please plants tress to restore the nature.. Otherwise the earth end is so soon... 

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