If Carbon Capture and Storage is a waste of time or not ?

8 Jan 2024

Arguments in favor of CCS:

Emission reduction potential: CCS has the potential to capture and store carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from industrial processes and power generation, preventing them from being released into the atmosphere. This can help reduce the overall CO2 emissions and mitigate climate change.

Transition support:

CCS can provide a transition solution for industries that are challenging to decarbonize, such as cement, steel, and natural gas power plants. It allows for continued use of fossil fuels while reducing the associated emissions, providing time for the development and deployment of low-carbon alternatives.

Negative emissions:

CCS combined with bioenergy (BECCS) can enable negative emissions, where CO2 is removed from the atmosphere. This can help offset historical emissions and contribute to achieving carbon neutrality or even net-negative emissions.

Utilization options: Captured CO2 can be utilized in various ways, such as enhanced oil recovery (EOR) or the production of synthetic fuels, chemicals, and building materials. These utilization pathways can create economic opportunities and additional revenue streams, making CCS more financially viable.

Arguments against CCS:

Cost and scalability:

CCS is considered expensive and capital-intensive, making it economically challenging to deploy at a large scale. The high costs associated with capturing and storing CO2, coupled with the need for extensive infrastructure and geological storage sites, have raised questions about its long-term feasibility and affordability.

Energy and resource requirements:

CCS requires a significant amount of energy for the capture, transport, and storage processes. This can result in energy penalties, reducing the net energy efficiency of power plants and industrial facilities. Moreover, the need for large volumes of water and other resources for CCS operations raises concerns about potential environmental impacts.

Leakage and environmental risks:

The long-term storage of CO2 underground carries potential risks, including the possibility of CO2 leakage from storage sites. Ensuring the integrity and stability of storage reservoirs is crucial to avoid environmental hazards and potential harm to human health.

Opportunity cost and lock-in effect:

Critics argue that investing in CCS may divert resources and attention from more sustainable and renewable energy alternatives. There is concern that CCS could perpetuate reliance on fossil fuels and delay the necessary transition to a low-carbon economy.

Limited storage capacity:

The availability of suitable geological formations for CO2 storage is limited. Identifying and securing appropriate storage sites can be challenging, especially in densely populated areas or regions lacking suitable geological characteristics.

What will may make people accept carbon capture and utilization products? Or should we focus on other climate technologies? Are there more promising alternatives?

The acceptance of carbon capture and utilization (CCU) products by people can be influenced by several factors. Here are some considerations that may contribute to the acceptance of CCU:

Environmental Benefits:

CCU offers the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by capturing and utilizing CO2, which can contribute to mitigating climate change. Highlighting the environmental benefits of CCU products, such as their role in reducing carbon footprints or enabling carbon neutrality, can help garner support and acceptance.

Economic Opportunities:

Emphasizing the economic opportunities associated with CCU products can be persuasive. This includes job creation, the development of new industries and markets, and the potential for revenue generation from utilizing CO2 as a feedstock for various applications. Demonstrating the financial viability and potential economic benefits of CCU can contribute to acceptance.


Technological Advancements:

Continued research and development efforts in CCU technologies can lead to technological advancements, cost reductions, and improved efficiency. Advancements such as more efficient capture processes, novel utilization pathways, and innovative business models can enhance the attractiveness and acceptance of CCU products.

Policy Support:

Government policies and regulations that provide incentives, funding, and a supportive framework for CCU can significantly influence public acceptance. Implementing policies that promote the development and deployment of CCU technologies, such as tax incentives, research grants, and carbon pricing mechanisms, can encourage industry and public support.

Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement:

Engaging stakeholders, including industry, environmental groups, communities, and the public, in the decision-making process is essential. Transparent communication, education, and involving stakeholders in CCU initiatives can help address concerns, build trust, and increase acceptance.

Regarding alternative climate technologies, there are several other promising options that can complement or provide alternatives to CCU. Some of these include:

Renewable Energy: Accelerating the deployment of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and geothermal, can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by replacing fossil fuel-based energy generation.

Energy Efficiency:

Improving energy efficiency across sectors, including buildings, transportation, and industry, can reduce energy demand and associated carbon emissions.


Transitioning from fossil fuel-based technologies to electric alternatives, such as electric vehicles and heat pumps, can help decarbonize transportation and heating sectors.

Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry: Implementing sustainable practices in agriculture and forestry, such as regenerative agriculture, afforestation, and reforestation, can enhance carbon sequestration and reduce emissions from these sectors.

Advanced Battery Technologies: Advancements in battery technologies can support the storage and integration of renewable energy sources, enabling a more reliable and resilient grid.


CarbFix Project in Iceland:

The CarbFix project, led by Reykjavik Energy and partners, including Columbia University, has gained attention and acceptance for its innovative approach to carbon capture and storage. The project captures CO2 emissions from a geothermal power plant and injects the CO2 deep underground into basaltic rock formations. Over time, the CO2 reacts with the basaltic rock, mineralizing and permanently storing it. The project has successfully demonstrated the feasibility of CO2 storage in basalt formations and has gained public support due to its location in Iceland, where geothermal energy is widely embraced and the potential for utilizing CO2 for mineralization is seen as a favorable solution.

Carbon Clean Solutions' CCU Plant in India:

Carbon Clean Solutions, a UK-based company, has developed a carbon capture technology that captures CO2 emissions from industrial flue gases. Their pilot plant in Tamil Nadu, India, captures CO2 from a coal-fired power plant and converts it into soda ash, a commonly used chemical. The project has gained acceptance due to its ability to reduce CO2 emissions, provide an alternative use for captured CO2, and support the growth of the chemical industry in the region.

Norcem's CO2 Capture and Utilization Plant in Norway:

Norcem, a cement manufacturer, has built a CO2 capture and utilization plant at its cement factory in Brevik, Norway. The plant captures CO2 emissions from the cement production process and utilizes the captured CO2 in the production of aggregates for concrete. The project has gained public acceptance due to its contribution to reducing emissions from the cement industry, which is traditionally challenging to decarbonize, and its potential to improve the sustainability of concrete production.

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