Crypto Hackers Buy Ethereum Dip Using Stolen Funds

5 Aug 2024

The cryptocurrency market, with its volatile nature, often presents opportunities for savvy traders and malicious actors alike. Recently, the market crash provided a unique advantage for hackers who used stolen funds to buy heavily discounted Ether (ETH).

This article delves into the intricate details of how hackers exploited the market downturn, the mechanisms they employed, and the broader implications for the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

The Market Crash: A Golden Opportunity for Hackers

Exploiting the Market Downturn

As the cryptocurrency market experienced a significant downturn, with Ether losing over 20% of its value within 12 hours, hackers seized the opportunity to buy the dip using ill-gotten gains.

On August 5, 2022, 16,892 Ether was purchased with stolen cryptocurrency funds from the infamous Nomad bridge hack of August 2022.

The precipitous drop in Ether’s price—from approximately $2,760 to $2,172—enabled these hackers to acquire the cryptocurrency at a considerable discount.

The Nomad Bridge Exploit

The Nomad bridge hack in 2022 was a significant event in the crypto world, where hackers exploited vulnerabilities to siphon off substantial amounts of funds.

These stolen assets, primarily in the form of Dai (DAI) stablecoins, were strategically held until a market crash presented an optimal buying opportunity.

This maneuver highlights the calculated patience and market awareness of the perpetrators, who waited nearly a year to leverage the stolen funds for maximum gain.

The Mechanics of the Heist

Utilizing Blockchain Analytics

Blockchain analytics firm Lookonchain revealed that the Nomad bridge exploiter used 39.75 million stolen Dai tokens to buy 16,892 ETH during the market crash. This transaction underscores the hackers' understanding of market dynamics and their ability to execute large trades without significantly impacting prices.

The use of stolen Dai, a stablecoin, further illustrates the strategic planning behind the hack, as stablecoins offer a less volatile store of value compared to other cryptocurrencies.

Covering Their Tracks: Tornado Cash

Following the purchase of ETH, the hacker moved swiftly to obscure the trail of stolen funds. Crypto mixing services like Tornado Cash play a crucial role in this process.

By sending the stolen ETH to Tornado Cash, the hackers made it significantly more challenging for authorities and blockchain analysts to trace the funds.

This method of laundering stolen assets is a common tactic among crypto criminals, highlighting the ongoing challenges in tracking and recovering stolen digital currencies.

Intermediary Transfers

In addition to the primary purchase and subsequent mixing, blockchain investigation firm PeckShield noted that the Nomad exploiter sent 17.75 ETH to an intermediary Ethereum address.

This action appears to be part of a broader strategy to further obfuscate the movement of funds.

At the time of writing, approximately 2,400 ETH, worth around $7 million, had been transferred to Tornado Cash, exemplifying the meticulous approach taken by the hackers to conceal their tracks.

Broader Implications for the Crypto Ecosystem

The Role of Crypto Mixers

Crypto mixing services, while offering privacy to legitimate users, have become a double-edged sword in the fight against crypto crime. Tornado Cash and similar platforms are frequently used by hackers to launder stolen funds, posing significant challenges for law enforcement and regulatory bodies.

The difficulty in tracking mixed funds hampers efforts to recover stolen assets and hold perpetrators accountable.

Market Vulnerabilities and Regulatory Responses

The ability of hackers to exploit market crashes underscores inherent vulnerabilities within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. While decentralization and anonymity are core principles of the crypto market, they also facilitate malicious activities.

Regulatory bodies worldwide are grappling with the need to balance these principles with measures to prevent and combat crypto-related crimes. Enhanced regulatory frameworks and improved cooperation between crypto exchanges and authorities are essential steps toward mitigating these risks.

Lessons from the Pancake Bunny Hack

The recent movement of stolen funds linked to the Pancake Bunny hack, another significant DeFi exploit, further highlights the persistent threat of crypto hacks. In this case, the hacker mistakenly sent 3.6 million DAI to a stablecoin address, demonstrating that even experienced hackers can make errors.

The subsequent siphoning of $2.9 million worth of Ether through Tornado Cash on July 8, 2023, reinforces the pattern of using market downturns to launder and capitalize on stolen assets.

Strategies to Mitigate Future Risks

Strengthening Security Protocols

For the crypto community, including developers, exchanges, and users, strengthening security protocols is paramount. Implementing robust security measures, such as multi-factor authentication, regular audits, and advanced encryption, can help protect against potential exploits.

Moreover, fostering a culture of security awareness and vigilance can reduce the likelihood of successful hacks.

Enhancing Regulatory Measures

Regulatory bodies must adapt to the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency to effectively combat illicit activities. This includes developing clear guidelines for the use of crypto mixing services, enforcing stringent KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) protocols, and encouraging cooperation between international law enforcement agencies.

By creating a more transparent and accountable crypto environment, regulators can help deter criminal activities.

Promoting Ethical Behavior within the Crypto Community

The crypto community itself has a role to play in promoting ethical behavior and reporting suspicious activities. Encouraging transparency, fostering a collaborative spirit among developers, and supporting initiatives that prioritize security can collectively enhance the integrity of the crypto ecosystem. Community-driven efforts to identify and address vulnerabilities can also contribute to a safer and more resilient market.


The recent actions of crypto hackers during the market crash exemplify the sophisticated strategies employed by malicious actors to exploit vulnerabilities and capitalize on market fluctuations.

By purchasing Ether at a significant discount using stolen funds, these hackers have demonstrated the ongoing challenges faced by the crypto ecosystem in combating illicit activities.

Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach, involving enhanced security measures, regulatory oversight, and a collective commitment to ethical behavior within the crypto community. Only through concerted efforts can the integrity and security of the cryptocurrency market be safeguarded against future exploits.


Cointelegraph: Hackers exploit market crash

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