A Sad Story

21 Oct 2022

There was a boy and girl…together for 9
months.…..no fights until the last two
weeks of their relationship…they promised to
be friends and kind to one another..at least
He would ignore her'and give her ah attitude
and act like she wasn't worry of respect…. she
was crying herself to sleep everynight..she
tried to keep it together everyday and was
One day someone askea her what happens
with you and her ex and she tired to talk but
then the feelings came rushing into her and she
"he git wolitalhot find this out till tWo Weeks
later…the boy walked in as the someone was
telling another the girl broke down to was
telling a friend of how she broke down and
cried and felt bad for her…the boy said she just
What kind of fucked up shit are you to say that
a girls tears are fake…she fucking loved you
and you act like she's the one who broke up
with you no you broke up with her.you say
cause of her insecurities but no it's yours little
bov..you were
Scared of fights because your parents
relationship…scared to get hurt……she
understood but all you do is hurt her for no god
damn reason.fuck you you piece of shit…and
now he's got a new girl 2 weeks later with a,HER same name.

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