EU, CA and AI

2 Sept 2024
California's SB 1047 could influence the EU's AI Act by promoting stringent safety requirements, potentially lowering compliance costs but facing opposition from major tech firms. Leadership in AI regulation and civil society's involvement are crucial. At the same time, industry calls for more precise, coordinated regulations to ensure consistent compliance across the EU.

California's Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047) could significantly influence the European Union's AI Act. The bill mandates that AI developers using over $100 million in computing resources follow a Safety and Security Plan (SSP) to prevent critical harm, defined as incidents causing mass casualties or over $500 million in damages. This approach has gained praise from AI experts like Yoshua Bengio, who suggest the EU should consider similar regulations.
If SB 1047 is enacted, it could reduce perceived biases against U.S. companies and lower compliance costs for firms operating in both California and the EU. However, tech giants like Meta, OpenAI, and Google oppose the bill, arguing it could hinder open-source AI development and stifle innovation.
In parallel, the leadership selection for the EU's GPAI Code of Practice will be crucial in shaping AI regulation. Experts argue that these leaders need technical solid and governance expertise to ensure the credibility of the process. Moreover, civil society plays a vital role in shaping the AI Act's implementation, ensuring that public interest and fundamental rights are protected. Industry leaders call for regulatory clarity and coordination across the EU to avoid compliance challenges and ensure consistent enforcement.

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