Stand for something

22 Dec 2022

Now is that moment that has come.
Will you stand or will you stoop and bow?

Can you explain your position?
Will you participate in this race or will you abort it and try to cover your face?

The words you spoke were heard by many people.
What will you do when you are left in charge?

Will you demonstrate your faith when facing adversity?
Will you uphold morality?
Will you engage in combat?

What option will you choose if you are faced with a fork in the road?
For the sake of the Lord's name, will you stand up for the truth?

Try to keep your focus by doing what is right.
In the midst of all the mockery, choose wisely.

Take hold of God's hand when you've done everything you can to stand.
He will walk right alongside you as he leads and directs you.

Don't make every effort to appease them.
Spend time with the Lord; you'll be rewarded.

Help your brothers and sisters, and be a blessing to others.
Assistance to individuals in need
aid in spreading their seed.

Be kind and trustworthy.
Be honest and fair, and avoid being self-centered.
Allow yourself to become the change.

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