Tea Lovers, These Are the 8 Best and Worst Things to Add to Your Brew

8 Apr 2024

On its own, tea is a powerfully healthy beverage. But what you add to it can make or break your cup. Find out what experts say are the most and least healthy tea partners.
ByLeah Groth

Lemon juice isn't the only part of the fruit that can give tea a boost — the peel can, too!

Earlier this year, a U.S. scientist brewed up a huge transatlantic debate on the topic of tea. In her book Steeped: The Chemistry of Tea, the Bryn Mawr College chemistry professor Michelle Francl, PhD, claimed that a pinch of salt is the key to a perfect cup of tea.[1] Dr. Francl, who invested three years of research and testing for her book, wrote that adding a pinch of salt lessens the bitterness of tea, because “the sodium ions in salt block the bitter receptors in our mouths.”
The claim stirred up so much controversy that eventually the U.S. Embassy in London felt the need to intervene. In a social media post, it assured “the good people of the UK that the unthinkable notion of adding salt to Britain’s national drink is not official United States policy,” adding, “Let us unite in our steeped solidarity and show the world that when it comes to tea, we stand as one. The U.S. Embassy will continue to make tea in the proper way — by microwaving it.”
Although that last statement was a joke, there is one brewing mistake that can have potential health consequences: water that’s too hot. Not only does boiling water scald delicate tea leaves, resulting in a bitter taste, but multiple studies have also linked drinking hot tea and esophageal cancer. According to the authors of one such study, people who consumed more than 700 milliliters (or two large cups) of tea per day at a temperature over 140 degrees F had a 90 percent higher risk of developing esophageal cancer than people who drank less tea and at cooler temperatures.[2] So if you drink a lot of tea, or have other risk factors for esophageal cancer, you may want to cold brew, or use a lower temperature water.
Brewing methods aside, salt is only one of the unconventional things people add to tea, whether in hopes of making it taste better or to add health benefits. We asked a few experts to weigh in on some of those choices, and here are the results.

1. Best: Mint

“I simply love the eye-opening aroma it provides,” says Jackie Newgent, RDN, a chef, nutritionist, and author of The Plant-Based Diabetes Cookbook. Fresh peppermint has been shown to relieve digestive discomfort for those who have irritable bowel syndrome.[3] Other research has found the menthol in mint to have a calming effect that may aid in stress reduction.[4]

2. Worst: Salt

While salt might take the edge off in terms of bitterness, from a health standpoint Newgent doesn’t recommend even a pinch. “Considering that Americans already get too much sodium — 3,400 milligrams (mg) instead of less than 2,300 mg per day — adding salt to tea is not something I recommend,” she says.[5]
Plus, there are better ways to balance bitterness. “Anything sweet, including fruit, will do the trick,” she maintains.

3. Best: Fruit

Fruit’s sweetness is far from its only benefit. Infusing tea with fruit will also add fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. “All fruits will add a punch of antioxidants, especially when seasonal and at their peak of ripeness, nutritional value, and flavor,” says Newgent.[6] Her top picks are wild blueberries with black tea, peaches with white tea, and mango with green tea.

4. Worst: Sweeteners

Americans overdo it on the sweet stuff as it is, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reporting that, on average, adult men consume 19 teaspoons (tsp) of added sugars a day and adult women 15 tsp. Excessive consumption of sugary drinks is associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension, so it makes sense to limit sugar where you can.[7] Artificial sweeteners are controversial as well, especially when it comes to weight loss.

4. Best: Citrus Juice or Peels

Both orange or lemon peels and their juice not only enhances the flavor of tea but also potential health benefits. “Adding lemon juice to a cup of tea will provide vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties,” explains Keri Gans, RDN, a nutrition consultant in New York City and the author of The Small Change Diet.[8]
Similarly, citrus peels will provide “polyphenols, vitamin C, and pleasurable aroma,” adds Newgent. There is even research linking citrus fruit intake to decreased risk of lung cancer and neurological benefits[9][10] thanks to citrus flavonoids.

5. Worst: Essential Oils

You may see advice on social media about adding these flavored oils to tea or food. Essential oils are extracted from plants, but not all of them are safe to ingest. You have to be sure what you’re using is food-grade. Even then, it can be easy to overdo it because essential oils can be very potent. “While very limited use of essential oils, like peppermint or lavender, may be enjoyable, I generally advise against their use in hot tea since essential oils are highly concentrated,” says Newgent, and their use in food is not as strictly regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as other ingredients. Also, because they are fat-soluble, essential oils are best mixed with foods or drinks that have some fat in them, instead of a water-based beverage like tea.

6. Best: Milk

While taking one's tea with milk isn’t quite as common in the United States as it is across the pond, there are some health benefits to adding dairy to your brew. In addition to cutting the bitterness of tea, milk can decrease the staining effects of tea on teeth, per one study.[11] What's mmore, Gans says, “Adding milk to your tea can provide bone-healthy calcium and muscle-building protein.”[12]
But according to Francl, timing matters. She recommends adding the milk to the tea and not the other way around to prevent curdling. And, consider a heavier pour, says Gans. “I would suggest more than a splash to reap any real benefits.”

7. Worst: Microplastics

Okay, so no one is purposely adding microscopic bits of nonbiodegradable chemicals to their tea, but you could be inadvertently doing so. How? A study published in Environmental Science & Technology found that certain brands of packaged tea bags actually break down in hot water, and can release more than 11 billion particles into a single cup.[13] Research continues to find negative health effects associated with ingesting microplastics, including a significantly elevated risk of cardiovascular issues like heart attacks and strokes. “Since there is rising concern over the potential health concerns of microplastics found in tea bags, consider switching over to using loose tea leaves,” Newgent advises. Or if you prefer using tea bags, stick with those that don’t contain plastic, like Pukka, Numi Teas, or Republic of Tea.[14]

8. Best: Ginger

Ginger tea is a popular digestive aid. Even if you don’t have a bag of ginger tea, adding some ginger powder, extract, or fresh ginger to any cup of tea will offer similar benefits. “Sip on tea steeped with ginger to potentially alleviate GI issues,” says Newgent.[15] “Ginger offers anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-carcinogenic properties, too.”[16] And, if you are nauseated, a cup of ginger-infused tea can help soothe. “Besides being delicious, steeping ginger into your tea can act as a digestive aid that may help improve nausea, upset stomach, vomiting, or motion sickness,” agrees Gans.


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