A Guide to Mumbai, Goerli Testnet Faucet Tokens

5 Mar 2024

Popularity of blockchain is just on the rise especially when taking in consideration current bull market. Getting into blockchain development you need to be familiar with testnet and how to operate and get free faucet tokens.

A testnet is an experimental blockchain created specifically for developers to test new features.


Choose your wallet of choice in most cases it’s MetaMask but Coinbase wallet can as well suffice. I personally would recommend to create a test-wallet just to be on the safe side as scammers are getting more creative in draining your wallet(if sub wallet gets compromised the main one doesn’t).
It just takes few seconds and in most faucets you don’t need additional funds.


Selecting your network of choice is an important step as most likely you would use same network for mainet.

Ethereum Testnets: Sepolia, Goerli…
Poliygon: Mumbai
Solana: Devnet…

Above listed a few but do throughout research what is best suited for you.
In my example will use both goerli and Mumbai.

There are two ways to add testnet network manual or automatic!

The above site is https://chainlist.org/ where you just choose a Network and tick to include Testnet in your wallet without manual input.

Manual approach…
Or if you are not willing to connect to site with your wallet you can do it manually but let’s be honest who likes manual input. 🤡


For the last step depending on your network you should visit a corresponding faucet to get test tokens.

First of Polygon(Mumbai testnet)
 You will recive 0.2 Matic test tokens if you would need more you can request after some time.
For Mumbai testnet however you will have to connect to Discord server and validate yourself.

For Goerli same as Sepolia you don’t need to connect to their Discord however it requires at least 0.001 ETH on Mainet on below site.

On ETH Networks there are a lot more faucets to choose from and in those faucets you can as well specify your Network.
The one on the top:


It’s a good and simple choose you just need to login to request test tokens.
The bottom one:


However requires you to connect with your wallet and has a requirement that the wallet must hold at least 0.001 ETH on Ethereum Mainnet to use the EVM faucets. 

These are the first steps to start with blockchain development with no costs of paying gas fees and so forth. Ones you get your test tokens you can explore the development process further, just remember keep it safe as where money flows scammers follow.

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