Bulbapp key details to start

13 Apr 2024

Bulbapp key details to start

First of all we have to know what are the key things to use Bulbapp, and is easy if we carefully know the top bar. No secrets, just the top bar. Here is the thing, watch the image below and you can identify all key factors. If at the end you think that this 1st introduction leaves a lot, I can deliver more details on a second review of Bulbapp, let me know in the comments if you want a more deep dive.
If you want to skip the following review of Bulbapp just sign up using this referral link and complete a read, react and comment to be validated.

Let's continue with the key details below:


  • Your level (mine is level 6) is on this purple 1st icon.
  • Your available energy (50 on the snapshot but refills 100/day at level 6) is on the yellow ray icon.
  • Bulb token balance, has the Bulb token logo, it shows your tips received and your weekly rewards claimed.
  • Notifications bell (follows, comment on your posts, etc).
  • Account Menu (with your profile picture).



User level is a key point. To perform activities on Bulbapp you need energy and the system works in the following way:


  • The energy is free since you sign up, and you have more for free every day.
  • You can burn energy every day performing actions (reading, reacting, commenting, sharing) or publishing, and every day is fullfilled again.
  • Every action that burns energy unlocks more xp to level up your user.
  • Your user energy capacity depends on your level & each time you level up unlocks more capacity (starts around 30 points & gets stabilized around 100 points).
  • Based on your level, every new day your tank of energy points is refilled to 100%.



If you want to buy energy points & refill your energy faster with Bulb tokens, you are free to do it 

How user levels works

The web has a challenge system that renews every week, after the weekly drop and helps to gain more experience each week. So you can boost your level with extra points to boost your experience on the site and rank up in order to get more weekly $BULB. This is a way to engage with the users gamifing the distribution of $BULB tokens on this early stage, and boost the information published getting a big data base of knowledge published by independent ways. I thinks is the most clean and solid publish to earn aidrop on Solana's network, with the noticeable speculation that the token is not launched in markets yet.



As you see here I got boosted 4 times unlocking Energy Capacity in level 6.



Weekly reward pool airdrop

Bulbapp has a reward system to distribute the tokens on a fair way. Let me explain a bit; the weekly pool is 2.000.000 $BULB tokens every week, so your chances to receive a great amount is reasonable. Based on your activity, you will be ranked and receive weekly aidrops based on your rank.
Each week the system rewards its users based on activity points, no matters if your activity is reading, reacting, publishing or commenting. Each one tops up your activity points and you will be rewarded each week. But, remember that if you publish good content you will gain extra points compared to reader activity.



$BULB utility token

$BULB utility token enables $BULB platform transactions. The supply is fixed to 1,000,000,000 tokens, built on Solana's chain. A key note is the following, distributed equally among BULB and its users based on your activity as a reader and your activity as a publisher. The following details are extracted from this official bulb web link:

$BULB Price is calculated based on the latest SOL-USD price multiplied by 0.0005 SOL, which refers to SOL per $BULB. This is based on the estimated token sale price, which is subject to change. For information purposes only.
Market Capitalisation of $BULB is calculated based on the latest $BULB price multiplied by the circulating supply of $BULB, which is currently at 775,000,012. Diluted Market Capitalisation of $BULB is calculated based on the latest $BULB price multiplied by the maximum supply, which is fixed at 1,000,000,000 BULB Tokens. For information purposes only.
$BULB is not currently listed on any decentralised or centralised exchanges.

Is strongly recommended that you perform your own independent research and/or speak with a qualified professional before making any financial or purchase decisions.
All information contained in this post does not constitute financial advice in any way whatsoever and is provided for illustrative purposes only. Nothing published in this section expressly or impliedly indicates the liquidity, tradability and other relevant matters of $BULB tokens; nor does it constitute a promise, representation or conduct of similar intentions in any way whatsoever.
Nothing published in this section constitutes an investment or purchase recommendation, nor should any data or content contained in this section be relied upon for any investment or purchase activities.

Invite your friends program

To complement your activity weekly aidrops, you can refer friends sharing your link as me and spreading the Bulbapp ecosystem around the web. Earn up to 1,000 BULB Tokens when your friend signs up using your referral link and completes a read, react and comment.



Sign up using this referral link and complete a read, react and comment to be validated. If you normally publish posts @ other websites, share it on Bulbapp.io too to earn more weekly activity rewards.


Comment on this post with your Bulb new user to allow me upvote your new posts and follow your profile.



Another hot point to be mentioned here is the BulbApp position over AI future and present scenario. Check it out here

BULB's Official Position on The Use of Artificial .

Write & Read to Earn with BULB

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